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"Operation not allowed in WRITE ONLY mode" with Firebird and BLOBs

Posted: 04.09.2023, 18:27
by sglodek
i have a problem with Firebird blobs. Zeos Connection shows "8.0.0-beta" as version. Firebird version is 2.5.

I can write a record with an empty blob without problems. Even changing the empty blob to contain some characters and save the record works fine. But every saving when the blob was not empty before the editing gives me a "Operation not allowed in WRITE ONLY mode"-Error. So it is not possible to change the content of a blob when the blob is not empty before then change.

Is there a ZEOS-setting I have missed to change to the right value or is this a bug?

Do you need more Informations about the error?

Best regards,

Re: "Operation not allowed in WRITE ONLY mode" with Firebird and BLOBs

Posted: 05.09.2023, 08:31
by marsupilami
Hello Siegbert,

that sounds strange. I maintain an application with Firebiord and didn't see that problöem yet. A test case that demonstrates the problem really would help.
Could you please make sure that you update to the latest Zeos 8.0 revision from SVN (branches/8.0-patches) or from Github (8.0-patches)?

With best regards,
