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Step-by-step description for transactions

Posted: 31.10.2005, 18:57
by azrak
I know my question is a little bit general, but it's something it's not clear at all for me. I've checked several forums and I find different answers, but no one it's totally complete.

So, I was wondering if you could provide some "quick guide" about how to use transactions. I'm using D7, Zeos 615 and MySQL4.1.

Basically, I've doubts about what should be the value for autocommit (I suppose it's false in order to handle the transaction start-end by myself), how to work update several tables at the same time, etc

Could you help me with an example or quick guide please?

Thanks in advance

Posted: 31.10.2005, 20:59
by Michael
Hi azrak,

if you don't mind taking a short trip towards firebird, I would suggest the following: Just take a look into the examples of our 6.1.5-Tutorial which you may obtain from our download area. There is an application called "Transactions" that allows you to play around with transactions. I think the code it is not very firebird specific and easy to transfer to mysql.

Hope it will help you to understand ... ;-)

Posted: 31.10.2005, 23:57
by azrak
Hi Michael.

Thanks for your support :) :D .

I had checked other sections of this site but never tried the download area (anyway, probably I would have not downloaded that example, as it was for firebird).

Well, I've done a test program based on that one for firebird (I had some problems when trying to compile the source code, even after changing the connection configuration). It works fine and it's just what I was looking for.

Thank you very much for your help and keep working on this excellent tool
(if there's something I can do to improve, please let me know).

Kind regards