Systematic comprehensive documentation for Zeoslib

All about the Doxygen documentation for Zeoslib.
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Systematic comprehensive documentation for Zeoslib

Post by Bruce27 »

I am just starting to use Zeoslib with Lazarus/FreePascal and therefore need some help!

I have some Pascal books, which give some general help for database applications in Lazarus. A lot of this I can apply to Zeos. I have also looked at the tutorials at, which are very helpful too. I have looked at the wiki on the Zeos Sourceforge page, but there doesn't seem to be much information there.

Yet it seems that I am still left having to learn a lot of things by trial and error. I accept that this is always the case with programming, but it always helps to have some documentation which covers what you need to know in a systematic and fairly comprehensive way. As an example, I find the documentation for the IBX package remarkably systematic and comprehensive (

I was wondering if there is any reasonably systematic and comprehensive documentation available for Zeos. There may be something I have missed in all my searches. Zeos seems to be an excellent library and I would love to use it to full effect!

Thank you!
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Re: Systematic comprehensive documentation for Zeoslib

Post by marsupilami »

Hello Bruce,

a systematic documentation isone of our weaknesses currently. There is a collection of old documentation in the files section on SourceForge. That should give you a starting point. If you are in doubt on how to use things or how to solve a problem, please don't hesitate to ask on the forums.
If you want to contribute something to the documentation, please let me know - usually I am happy to integrate it.

With best regards,

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