ok reinstalled under win xp: all gone
during package compilation in unit ZAbstractRODataset i've found an error at line: 2975
as downloaded:
BaseFieldTypes: array[TFieldType] of TFieldType = (
ftUnknown, ftString, ftInteger, ftInteger, ftInteger, ftBoolean, ftFloat,
ftFloat, ftBCD, ftDateTime, ftDateTime, ftDateTime, ftBytes, ftVarBytes,
ftInteger, ftBlob, ftBlob, ftBlob, ftBlob, ftBlob, ftBlob, ftBlob, ftUnknown,
ftString, ftString, ftLargeInt, ftADT, ftArray, ftReference, ftDataSet,
ftBlob, ftBlob, ftVariant, ftInterface, ftInterface, ftString, ftTimeStamp,
modified as (see last line, added ", ftFixedWideChar, ftWideMemo")
BaseFieldTypes: array[TFieldType] of TFieldType = (
ftUnknown, ftString, ftInteger, ftInteger, ftInteger, ftBoolean, ftFloat,
ftFloat, ftBCD, ftDateTime, ftDateTime, ftDateTime, ftBytes, ftVarBytes,
ftInteger, ftBlob, ftBlob, ftBlob, ftBlob, ftBlob, ftBlob, ftBlob, ftUnknown,
ftString, ftString, ftLargeInt, ftADT, ftArray, ftReference, ftDataSet,
ftBlob, ftBlob, ftVariant, ftInterface, ftInterface, ftString, ftTimeStamp,
ftFMTBcd, ftFixedWideChar, ftWideMemo);
compiled, installed, lazarus rebuilded and all is ok...
vista... mmmhhhhh
just to have an idea:
folder "C:\Program Files" in italy (under vista) is called "C:\Programmi". everytime i save a modified txt file in a folder like "C:\Programmi\a-folder\readme.txt" i receive an error message like:
unable to save file in "C:\Program Files\a-folder\readme.txt" (!?!?!?!)
thus i
1) move the file on the desktop
2) edit the file
3) move again to original folder...
this week i'll remove lazarus and zeos installazion from "C:\Programmi\lazarus" and reinstall in "C:\lazarus"...
if this works... i'll cry
forgive my english but, you know, in italy...