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Topic about possible Memory leak in ZDbcIntfs

Posted: 10.02.2023, 11:02
by marsupilami
While cleaning up the Forums from Spam I accidetally deleted a new topic about possible memory leaks in ZDBCIntfs. Please recreate the topic. It might be possible that you will have to reregister your user name, if you didn't post any topics in the past.

Best regards,


Re: Topic about possible Memory leak in ZDbcIntfs

Posted: 15.03.2023, 18:47
by anfm ... cIntfs.pas

Re: Topic about possible Memory leak in ZDbcIntfs

Posted: 16.03.2023, 19:47
by aehimself
It won't leak, it's an interface:

FDriversCS: TCriticalSection; // thread-safety for FDrivers collection. Not the drivers themselves!
FLogCS: TCriticalSection; // thread-safety for logging listeners
FDrivers: IZCollection;
FLoggingListeners: IZCollection;
FGarbageCollector: IZCollection;

Re: Topic about possible Memory leak in ZDbcIntfs

Posted: 17.03.2023, 14:26
by anfm
I have this erros on Lazarus 2.2.0

Re: Topic about possible Memory leak in ZDbcIntfs

Posted: 19.03.2023, 18:37
by aehimself
The log points to the unit initialization of ZDbcIntFs, which looks like this:

Code: Select all

  DriverManager := TZDriverManager.Create;
  GlobalCriticalSection := TCriticalSection.Create;
  DriverManager := nil;
These variables are global, defined like:

Code: Select all

  /// <summary>The common driver manager object.</summary>
  DriverManager: IZDriverManager;
  /// <summary>The global critical section.</summary>
  GlobalCriticalSection: TCriticalSection;
Finalization correctly seems to free up these objects. Is it possible that your app exits ungracefully (or by using Halt) so uninitializations aren't executed?