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new at zeoslib, I need support in some areas

Posted: 28.03.2008, 20:36
by sdanieltan69
HI! thanks by Zeoslib. i really like it! :D Im Pascal programmer sinse turbo pascal 3 :wink: and now Im translating one apllication to MySQL with delphi/zeos. I use standard table/datasource acces to data. Please, I wanna ask to you:
1) When edit a row, how can lock it to avoid problems?
2) when some other user add/modify a record, how can I refresh the datase automatically?
3) When I try to read/write bool values with "ZTable1.FieldByName('SH').AsBoolean" I get an error "Cannot acces to fiel SH as boolean". How can I solve it?

Thanks a lot in advance!!!!. Some example or little source will be appreciated!! Daniel

Posted: 20.09.2008, 22:03
by mparak
Dear Friend,

As far as I know you have encountered the real reason behind Windows + MySQl + Delphi being the winning combination.

You don't need to worry about record locking.

The underlying layers will do the heavy lifting for you.
Issue the TzTable.refresh or TzQuery.refresh to update your screen view of the data that may have been updated by other users.

Welcome to the power of MySQL.

Mohammed Parak
Durban South Africa

Posted: 24.10.2008, 05:49
by uuid
mparak wrote:Issue the TzTable.refresh or TzQuery.refresh to update your screen view of the data that may have been updated by other users.
ADOQuery has different "Refresh" and "Requery" methods. Requery does a complete refresh, and Refresh refreshes just the current table row.

ZQuery lacks Requery. Is ZQuery.Refresh method equal to ADOQuery.Requery?