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Problem with Oracle TIMESTAMP

Posted: 23.03.2008, 22:29
by Luzcka

TzTable gerate a Exception on open a Oracle table with TimeStamp Fileds,
internally see the problem with EncodeTime, the routine try to use a Milisec param with value 1000 (max value is 999)! I´m post some recors with TimeStamp and show the records! but... closing the application and reopen it Appears the error! My actual "solution" is change TimeStamp... and use DATE type!

Oracle 10g
Delphi 7

Sorry my bad English!

Posted: 25.03.2008, 00:09
by mdaems

Posted: 28.03.2008, 20:01
by Luzcka
Thank you!!!
I´m see your links!