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Read only fields not really read only

Posted: 07.03.2008, 13:14
by btrewern
It seems that setting a field's ReadOnly property to true on a Zeos dataset does not actually make the field read only.

Code: Select all

ZQuery1id.ReadOnly := True;
ZQuery1id.Value := 1;   <-- This should raise an error
ZQuery1.Post; <-- This completes.
It's not a big problem but I think it's a bug. Does anyone know where to start in trying to fix this?



Posted: 07.03.2008, 16:09
by btrewern
After a little digging I think I've found a fix:

Change ZAbstractRODataset.SetFieldData to read:

Code: Select all

procedure TZAbstractRODataset.SetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer);
  ColumnIndex: Integer;
  RowBuffer: PZRowBuffer;
  WasNull: Boolean;
  WasNull := False;
  if not Active then
    raise EZDatabaseError.Create(SOperationIsNotAllowed4);
  if not RequestLive and (Field.FieldKind = fkData) then
  if Field.ReadOnly and not (State = dsFilter) then -- Change is here
    DatabaseErrorFmt(SFieldReadOnly, [Field.DisplayName]);  -- and here
  if not (State in dsWriteModes) then
    DatabaseError(SNotEditing, Self);
Not well tested but seems to work here.



Posted: 12.03.2008, 17:18
by btrewern
Added to Mantis so as to not be lost.

Posted: 12.03.2008, 21:23
by mdaems
Thanks Ben. Didn't find time yet...

What's that not (State = dsFilter) condition about? Just curious so I don't have to search that myself.


Posted: 13.03.2008, 12:02
by btrewern
It's related to OnFilterRecord. I'm not 100% sure if it's needed but I dragged it from the VCL.


Posted: 16.03.2008, 11:39
by mdaems
Done. SVN Rev. 349