When I type something error in my SQL like: select * from "tabess", and I don't have table name "tabess", normaly the error show me, table doesn't exists, or something like.. but in ZeosDBO, show me a Exception AV.
I'm using MadExcept, and I found the location off error:
Code: Select all
00000000 +000 ???
0e87c94b +017 ZComponentDesign70.bpl Zplainpostgresqldriver TZPostgreSQL8PlainDriver.GetResultErrorField
0e87df54 +084 ZComponentDesign70.bpl Zdbcpostgresqlutils CheckPostgreSQLError
0e8801e2 +052 ZComponentDesign70.bpl Zdbcpostgresqlstatement TZPostgreSQLStatement.ExecuteQuery
0e8489be +036 ZComponentDesign70.bpl Zdbcstatement TZEmulatedPreparedStatement.ExecuteQuery
0e848abf +02f ZComponentDesign70.bpl Zdbcstatement TZEmulatedPreparedStatement.ExecuteQueryPrepared
0e8df53c +1a4 ZComponentDesign70.bpl Zabstractrodataset TZAbstractRODataset.CreateResultSet
0e8dadda +02e ZComponentDesign70.bpl Zabstractdataset TZAbstractDataset.CreateResultSet
0e8df63d +0a1 ZComponentDesign70.bpl Zabstractrodataset TZAbstractRODataset.InternalOpen
01f5c155 +019 dbrtl70.bpl Db TDataSet.DoInternalOpen
01f5c20e +01e dbrtl70.bpl Db TDataSet.OpenCursor
01f5c0c9 +055 dbrtl70.bpl Db TDataSet.SetActive
4002781a +036 rtl70.bpl Typinfo SetOrdProp
0033e283 +03f designide70.bpl Designeditors TPropertyEditor.SetOrdValue
0033f356 +062 designide70.bpl Designeditors TEnumProperty.SetValue
0033dde8 +0cc designide70.bpl Designeditors TPropertyEditor.Edit
005e5d76 +096 coreide70.bpl Propinsp TPropertyInspector.PropListEditDblClick
00985549 +015 vclide70.bpl Ideinsplistbox TInspListBox.EditDblClick
00831c55 +015 vcl70.bpl Controls TControl.DblClick
00831db8 +034 vcl70.bpl Controls TControl.WMLButtonDblClk
00831a98 +188 vcl70.bpl Controls TControl.WndProc
00834c97 +157 vcl70.bpl Controls TWinControl.WndProc
00983463 +037 vclide70.bpl Ideinsplistbox TPropInspEdit.WndProc
00834914 +02c vcl70.bpl Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
7e3696c2 +00a user32.dll DispatchMessageA
0085568b +083 vcl70.bpl Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage
008556c2 +00a vcl70.bpl Forms TApplication.HandleMessage
008558f2 +096 vcl70.bpl Forms TApplication.Run
Thanks for all, and sorry my Poor english.
Fellipe H.