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Zeos andDatasetprovider

Posted: 21.02.2008, 10:14
by ddeekul_ick
Sorry for my bad English.I am new in Delphi and now I am going to try to create a new exercise project for client server. I want to ask that are we still use datasetprovider for client server project? Does zeos has it component?Or we didn't need use datasetprovider. Thank you

Posted: 21.02.2008, 19:30
by mdaems
Zeos does not have this component as there is no need for it. The standard datasetprovider is compatible with TDataset and Tquery is a pure TDataset descendant.


Posted: 22.02.2008, 03:14
by ddeekul_ick
Thank you for the answer. So, If I want to create client server database application I must use Datasetprovider? Can I use another component? may be INDY or the others that has main function like datasetprovider?

Posted: 22.02.2008, 12:50
by mdaems
Sorry, no experience with three tier applications (you say client-server, but I think you want to build with db-appserver-client).
Just do with zeos what you would do when using the standard Delphi/Lazarus Table or Query components.

I would advise you to post the Indy <-> Datasetprovider discution to a more general Delphi forum.
