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Access Violation libpq8x.dll

Posted: 25.10.2005, 11:47
by lucianobarreto
Hi, I have installed the last build of Zeos Lib, upgrading my older version(Alpha Build 02 November 2003). The instalation runs greatly, but when I try to access the protocol Postgresql an error ocurries.
Access Violation "bla bla bla" libpq8x.dll.
I'm using Windows XP SP2, Delphi 7, Postgresql 8.0.2 running on Windows.

I downgrade the Zeos Lib and it runs correctly now...

Please, I would like a solution, bcuz I want use the newest version...

Até mais

D7, PostgreSQL 8.0.x

Posted: 25.10.2005, 15:25
by aperger

I have the same error. And I have problems with the BLOB handling. I hope the ZeOSLib TEAM can solve these problems. I am trying to find the bug of BLOB handling on PostgreSQL.... I hope... The part of ZeOS what I use is working without any problem for me.

Posted: 25.10.2005, 16:20
by lucianobarreto
Thanx to reply...

I'll wait for the update or the stable version of this to try again....
While, i go using the older version... :(


Posted: 25.10.2005, 16:35
by Michael
Hi Luciano, hi Atila,

due to a very huge lack of time I can't care about all your issues immediately or give them to the developer who may handle/fix the certain problem. But this i posted to our Postgre-Specialist who made the integration. He mentioned that he compiled the library with BCC5.5 and it would work within his environment. Did someone of you try this library with the 8.1 Version of Postgre (I know, it's still beta)? I personally don't have any Postgre installed to test it, I'm sorry.


Michael - more often offline as he wanted to be ... :(

Posted: 25.10.2005, 16:48
by aperger

I try to copy libpq81.dll from one of the ZeOS Zip from SF.Net and I will remane it to libpq8x.dll and I will make test and post it here for you.


Posted: 25.10.2005, 16:54
by lucianobarreto
Thanx to yours replies!
I'll stay waiting....


Posted: 25.10.2005, 19:54
by aperger
Hi All,

I made a test again with latest ZeOS zip package (2005/10/13), D7/D2005 Prof Win32. I got the same error with the original libpq8x.dll, but if I use libpq.dll from PostgreSQL 8.0.0 (ApacheTriad), the error does not appeare. But something is not correct. If I restart the program the image is wrong, according to my previous note:

Unfortunatelly I can not find libpq81.dll on the NET, it was available in one of the earlier CVS.


Posted: 16.11.2005, 11:07
by cnliou
This is one issue I don't know why it does not work with your applications. It works flawlessly with my BCB 6 application.

I built libpq8x.dll from PostgreSql source using BCC 5.5. You should be able to build it by following these steps:

- Download and install BCC5.5 from Borland in Windowz. (Assuming it is installed under \Borland\BCC55)
- Open a DOS window
- Change directory to ~/src/interfaces/libpq
- PATH=\Borland\BCC55\Bin;%PATH%
and change cw32mti.lib to cw32mt.lib at line 163
- MAKE -N -DBCB=\Borland\BCC55 -f bcc32.mak

Under ./Release/ you will find blibpq.dll which you can rename to libpq8x.dll.

Maybe there is something I missed and created the dll incompatible with Deliphi. So I will appreciate if any one can try this and give us some clue. It might also help if someone can try building the dll with M$ comilers and contribute it here.

Thanks! :oops:

Posted: 18.11.2005, 06:13
by Michael

using the libpq.dll delivered with the 8.1 version of PostgreSQL works perfectly in my environment if you rename it to libpq8x.dll.

... working on a solution to get rid of this renaming-thing and make it more transparent for the users ... 8)


Posted: 18.11.2005, 09:15
by aperger





Posted: 18.11.2005, 13:24
by leros
Michael wrote:btw:

using the libpq.dll delivered with the 8.1 version of PostgreSQL works perfectly in my environment if you rename it to libpq8x.dll.

... working on a solution to get rid of this renaming-thing and make it more transparent for the users ... 8)

Hi, i was working with a older version of zeos, and now with this post i actualized, but i get this same error with blob field. :(
I work with BCB 6, i compiled all right, only i did changed the included ile postgresql81 (in plain SRC directory) to 8x, else i was getting compile error.
btw what can i do, im seting up my application to run with it only tthis think is wrogn. thanks to all!!! :roll:

obs: PostgreSQL 8.1, chaged libpq.dll (from postgresql 8.1) to libpq8x.dll and included comerr32.dll. (program said that need)

CVS or Edit the code

Posted: 18.11.2005, 15:05
by aperger

I think this problem was solved in the latest CVS or you should modify the sourcecode according to the following:

PG Blob



Re: CVS or Edit the code

Posted: 18.11.2005, 16:02
by leros
aperger wrote:Hi,

I think this problem was solved in the latest CVS or you should modify the sourcecode according to the following:

PG Blob


this really work fine! THANK ONE MORE TIME!

Posted: 20.11.2005, 00:58
by Burn
I rename the libpq.dll of postgre to libpq8x.dll and ther error continue. Acess Violation.