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(SOLVED)Error Command line compiling with Builder C++ 6.0

Posted: 21.01.2008, 14:28
by gcr

I have tested (with documentation) your command line installation with Builder C++ 6.0 but i have some error (and i have solved).

In first time, some variable is missing in the bpk project:
LIBPATH not contains variable RELEASELIBPATH and not find VCL.LIB in ilink32 command

LIBPATH = $(BCB)\Projects\Lib;build;..\..\src\component;$(BCB)\lib\obj;$(BCB)\lib;$(BCB)\Source\Toolsapi
Must be :
LIBPATH = $(BCB)\Projects\Lib;build;..\..\src\component;$(BCB)\lib\obj;$(BCB)\lib;$(BCB)\Source\Toolsapi;$(RELEASELIBPATH)

for Zcomponent.bpk, ZCore.bpk, ZBdc.bpk, ZParseSQL.bpk & ZPlain.bpk

When compiling Zcomponent.bpk , the file 'ZComponent.dcr' is not found.

I have changed, in the zComponent.bpk, the line :

<RESFILES value="ZComponent.res ZComponent.dcr"/>

by :
<RESFILES value="ZComponent.res ..\..\src\component\ZComponent.dcr"/>


Posted: 21.01.2008, 15:26
by mdaems
Hi Gilles,
Can you just add the changed files to this post?
I'll commit them to SVN.


File upload

Posted: 21.01.2008, 15:53
by gcr
Here, find the modification


Posted: 21.01.2008, 22:54
by mdaems
Committed to SVN. I hope I did include the important differences.
Diff attached.