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Patch for Lazarus .lpk

Posted: 16.01.2008, 12:50
by Almindor
I'm not sure if my SVN source is right, but if it's the active trunk then here's a patch to fix Lazarus compilation (in windows). You just forgot to update the lpk files with the new units.

NOTE: I might have added some units to the zdbc.lpk which might not be strictly required.

NOTE2: zoes doesn't work on linux anymore (at least 64 bit), but I'll create a new topic for that.

Posted: 16.01.2008, 15:07
by mdaems
Hi Almindor,

Why do you want to add these units? On my machine it all compiles. I can install on Windows and Linux (Ubuntu).

I recently removed these units as they were not necessary according to the compiler messages.

Does it depend on FPC version?


Posted: 18.01.2008, 23:03
by Almindor
Hmm no idea, I just updated and bam, got missing units errors. I'll try reverting and if I get the errors again I'll paste.

I don't think FPC is the culprit here, I use 2.2.1. Lazarus might have changed something though (I use always latest trunk).

What about linux support? Last I tried I got some ugly errors in linux...

Posted: 19.01.2008, 13:47
by mdaems

Again... No problem here, at least with compiling/installing. I must admit, I'm not a Linux programmer. So I just tried component install and completed the Ant build script for compilation on Linux. Didn't write a program yet.

However, now I installed Ubuntu in a VM. And managed to get Lazarus working, so I can test programs that go wrong. If you have a small sample program and data creation sql script I can test it. (against a Mysql database)


Posted: 23.01.2008, 17:56
by nyrell

it is good to hear that the linux version works, at least for some one. That makes me hopeful of getting it to work too.

Mark: Did you get it to run on a 32 bit system or 64 bit?

I'm trying to get it to work under AMD64 and kubuntu 7.10, but I have encountered some problems. Please see:

Best wishes,

Posted: 23.01.2008, 21:56
by mdaems
32 bit / Ubuntu.