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Bug in Data Insert

Posted: 04.01.2008, 10:36
by LordS
Hi, when i try to insert some data in a table, the last value changed id copied for each row and not only in the row selected.

SQLite: 3.5.1
Kind of DB: SQLite 3

I've included some screen shot to aid.

This Is the first situation, i've selected a field. [Immagine01.jpg]

Posted: 04.01.2008, 10:37
by LordS
After a Double Click i've changed the value

Posted: 04.01.2008, 10:38
by LordS
But if i push a refresh button o reopen the DB, the value are changed in each row.

Posted: 04.01.2008, 14:17
by LordS
Ok i've used the Workaround, to make a autoincremental fields....

Posted: 22.01.2008, 11:48
by aducom
There's no way to address an error like this. What exactly have you done?