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ZEOSDBO 6.6.2 - whats new?

Posted: 17.12.2007, 11:51
by martinalex
Thank you for the new release of ZEOSDBO :)

I will test it with one of my programs which uses Firebird.

Is there some documentation about the changes for this release?
I have downloaded the file. There is a change log, but only until 6.5.1

I don't need a list of all bug fixes, but it would be helpful to have a list of new features and new functions

Thank you


Posted: 17.12.2007, 13:27
by mdaems
Hi Martinalex,

We are making the Changelog for the moment.
Main 'problems' are:
- The source for the changelog build for 6.6.1 isn't in SVN repository. So I'm checking with the author of that document (you can find a link to that article in the forum announcement for 6.6.1 release)
- I had to summarize the changelog from Mantis bugtracker (have a look there, it's a nice summary) and then see what other SVN commits had been made. Draft of that work is ready.
- I'm looking for a good editor to edit DocBook documentation (xml-sources linked to templates). The sources for the documentation articles are written in this format.

New features are quite limited anyhow. Version 6.6.2 is (and should be) mainly a bugfixed 6.6.1.

Delphi 2007 (Delphi 11) is added to the packages directory.


Posted: 18.12.2007, 01:29
by Prometeus
Hello Mdaems,

Is this final release ready for use with Firebird 2.1? This Firebird version is really good and the Firebird users will be happy if they could use Zeos with it.



Posted: 18.12.2007, 11:10
by mdaems
No idea... The Firebird 2.1 protocol isn't included as a separate protocol.
Do you know what changed on the API level?
Could you make the ZPlainFirebird21.pas file and add the necessary code to ZPlainFirebirdDriver.pas?
As the only 'active' developer for firebird for the moment is cipto_kh I propose you contact him to see what he thinks/knows about it? Or you can just send the patch to me and I'll apply it.
How is Firebird 2.1 status? Is it stable already?


Posted: 19.12.2007, 14:31
by mdaems
Hi Joao,

This release is as ready for Firebird2.1 as FB2.1 is ready for production... It's not.
BUT : I did run the test suite against a FB2.1 server. Installed server, created db and replaced FB2.0 dll by FB2.1 dll. No AV's or the like.
There were some queries that gave errors but it's not easy to decide who's wrong. FB or Zeos. (eg. Something about SQL Dialect 3 and integers)
Testing with the embedded version I had a few AV's. But even here it's a quick test performed by a FB dummy witha snapshot database version.

Conclusion : test your app with it. The dll's seem be compatible. Depending on your queries and server version (it's still a development version) you might find or not find trouble.

Questions :
- If you're a FB addict (and I think you are as you're using an early birds version), would you be able to do the necessary research to add the new protocol to Zeos? As I see it, it might just be an extension of the FB2.0 interfaces as it looks like only a few API functions are added.
- Are you available to run the test suite from time to time against FB 2.1. And even better: can you try to debug the FB errors found using the test suite?


Posted: 10.06.2008, 15:57
by Fisa
Hi mdaems (and any devs),
I can't find any 'RoadShow' document about future version publishing.
When will be released final 6.6.2 version.
And what inhibit to it?

Thanx a lot.

Posted: 10.06.2008, 23:50
by mdaems
Final 6.6.2 version is out already. the 6.6.X-stable version depends on the bug fixing efforts done by us and the rest of the community. Unfortunately 'US' is very limited at the moment.

Actually, there's no official roadmap available for the moment. We're limited to bug fixing for the moment until 6.6.X is stable enough for a definitive release.
For 6.7 we hope to get prepared statement support available for mysql (and the other drivers that can implement it. Also the generalization of the EventAlerter component (to allow implemntation for other databases might be added.

To know what's in 6.6.X: check the release notes.
