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Zeos and Lazarus

Posted: 27.07.2014, 22:54
by cncandi
I get this error message if I try to compile Zeos.

Zeos version: 7.1.3a stable
Lazarus version: 1.2.4
FPC version: 2.6.4
SVN Revision: 45510
Windows 64 bit

What means that error and how can I solve?

Re: Zeos and Lazarus

Posted: 02.08.2014, 16:52
by EgonHugeist
Please clean up all old compiled dcu's etc. and build all sources again. It works nice!

Re: Zeos and Lazarus

Posted: 02.08.2014, 17:13
by cncandi
what do you mean with clean? What exactly I have to do?