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ZEOSLIB_TRUNK_REV310 - Build Error With Delphi 2006

Posted: 19.11.2007, 01:53
by fx
I'm having problems upgrading to ZEOSLIB_TRUNK_REV310 with Delphi 2006 (aka Delphi10). ...

This is what I get when I do a "Build All Projects" in packages\delphi10\ZeosDbo.bdsgroup -- after building 4 projects, it stops in ZComponent100.bpl with 2 errors:

Code: Select all

[Pascal Hint] ZGenericSqlAnalyser.pas(633): H2077 Value assigned to 'CurrentType' never used
[Pascal Warning] ZDbcConnection.pas(763): W1035 Return value of function 'TZAbstractConnection.PingServer' might be undefined
[Pascal Hint] ZDbcMySqlResultSet.pas(932): H2164 Variable 'Statement' is declared but never used in 'TZMySQLCachedResolver.UpdateAutoIncrementFields'
[Pascal Hint] ZDbcMySqlResultSet.pas(933): H2164 Variable 'ResultSet' is declared but never used in 'TZMySQLCachedResolver.UpdateAutoIncrementFields'
[Pascal Warning] ZDbcMySqlMetadata.pas(1049): W1035 Return value of function 'TZMySQLDatabaseMetadata.GetColumns' might be undefined
[Pascal Warning] ZDbcASAResultSet.pas(801): W1044 Suspicious typecast of WideString to PAnsiChar
[Pascal Warning] ZAbstractRODataset.pas(341): W1000 Symbol 'PSGetTableName' is deprecated
[Pascal Warning] ZAbstractRODataset.pas(342): W1000 Symbol 'PSGetQuoteChar' is deprecated
[Pascal Warning] ZAbstractRODataset.pas(351): W1000 Symbol 'PSGetKeyFields' is deprecated
[Pascal Error] ZSqlUpdate.pas(214): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'RefreshCurrentRow'
[Pascal Fatal Error] ZAbstractDataset.pas(67): F2063 Could not compile used unit '..\..\src\component\ZSequence.pas'
The exact same thing happens with ZeosDboDev.bdsgroup, too.

Strangely, I don't get any hits when I search for "RefreshCurrentRow" in src\component\*.*.

And both ZAbstractDataset.pas and ZSequence.pas show up fine in the editor when I double click them in the project manager.

Please let me know the best way to get around this error in Delphi 2006.

Posted: 19.11.2007, 11:15
by mdaems

Are you running a Testing branch version on your computer?
RefreshCurrentRow is a new function only available in testing branch...
If not : I hope I didn't make an error when merging other testing branch changes to Trunk.


Posted: 19.11.2007, 16:56
by fx
mdaems wrote:Hi,

Are you running a Testing branch version on your computer?
RefreshCurrentRow is a new function only available in testing branch...
If not : I hope I didn't make an error when merging other testing branch changes to Trunk.

Yes! That was it! I had TESTING_REV294 installed while compiling TRUNK_REV310.

When I removed the old version and tried again, everything compiled correctly. Thank you so much!