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Posted: 11.12.2021, 00:54
by BytePlayer
In the Unit ZDbcResultSet;

Could anyone explain to me why TZAbstractBlob.IsEmpty is defined as true when fBlobSize < 0 rather than fBLobSize < 1 ? I mean, if it has a blobsize of zero it has no content, right? Otherwise what is the differences between this and IsNull?

function TZAbstractBlob.IsEmpty: Boolean;
Result := FBlobSize < 0;

Re: TZAbstractBlob.IsEmpty

Posted: 13.12.2021, 11:28
by marsupilami
Hello BytePlayer,

I am not sure what the inventor of TZAbstractBlob thought when he wrote this code. Could you please open a bug report on our bugtracker?

Best regards,
