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Doubt about the correction for 0000048

Posted: 13.09.2007, 18:28
by ogecrom
I could not update for test the correction myself, yet.
I am using the TZSQLProcessor with ParamCheck False and default delimiter options.

What if I have a statement with the delimiter ";" inside a string?
For example:

1. insert into TABLE (FIELD) values ('aaa;aaa');
2. insert into TABLE (FIELD) values ('aa"aa;a"aa');

At least for example number 2 the statement is ignored.
Will the correction for 0000048 solve this kind of problem?

Or should I use a ;#13#10 as delimiter to workaround it?

Posted: 13.09.2007, 23:40
by mdaems
Hi Ogecrom,

Please do test it. There is some code present to handle quoted strings, but I'm not sure about the limitations.
If there's a problem left, please file a new bug report, also indicating what database you use and a sample script that's failing. The problem you describe is different from the 0000048 description.


Posted: 14.09.2007, 13:58
by ogecrom
Hi Mark!
I've posted the 0000063 issue.

It looks like the problem is with commented lines. There is support for line comments?

I've added more info on the issue.


Posted: 27.09.2007, 19:29
by ogecrom
Hi Mark!
Thanks for solving the 0000063 issue.
As far as I could test, there is no collateral effects. :)
