Can't install stable ZEOS to Lazarus trunk

The offical for ZeosLib 7.3 Report problems, ask for help, post proposals for the new version of Zeoslib 7.3/v8
Quick Info:
-We made two new drivers: odbc(raw and unicode version) and oledb
-GUID domain/field-defined support for FB
-extended error infos of Firebird
-performance ups are still in queue
In future some more feature will arrive, so stay tuned and don't hassitate to help
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Can't install stable ZEOS to Lazarus trunk

Post by zoltanleo »

Hi guys. Help me please.

I tryed to install sabj (zeos dbo 7.2.10) into fpc/lazarus trunk (rev. 49377/65117). During installation I get error
ZDbcCache.pas(4429,13) Error: Incompatible types: got "Boolean" expected "Int64"
ZDbcCache.pas(4443,17) Error: Incompatible types: got "ShortInt" expected "Boolean"
ZDbcCache.pas(4445,17) Error: Incompatible types: got "ShortInt" expected "Boolean"

What's a matter? How I can fix it?
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Re: Can't install stable ZEOS to Lazarus trunk

Post by marsupilami »

Hello zoltanleo,

Zeos 7.2 is not intended to work on FPC trunk. Wen don't support this because it is a moving target. Zeos 7.2 should work on the latest FPC 3.2.2. You also might want to try Zeos trunk on FPC trunk.

Best regards,

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