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Column Date and Validating issue

Posted: 27.04.2021, 14:57
by louis
I try to upgrade my application from Zeos 7.2.0b to 8.0.0-r7490.

This code present in the OnValidate event of the column DATA_REGISTRAZIONE:

Code: Select all

procedure TForm11.ztbDocTestaDATA_REGISTRAZIONEValidate(Sender: TField);
I obtain this result:
in the column zquery1DATA_DOCUMENTO.Value.

If I change .Value with .AsDateTime the result in zquery1DATA_DOCUMENTO is '30/12/1899'!

This code present in the OnValidate event of the column DATA_DOCUMENTO:

Code: Select all

procedure TForm11.ztbDocTestaDATA_DOCUMENTOValidate(Sender: TField);
  if (ZQuery1DATA_DOCUMENTO.AsDateTime > ZQuery1DATA_REGISTRAZIONE.AsDateTime) then
    raise Exception.Create('The registration date is more recent than the date of the document!');
seem to work but even if DATA_DOCUMENTO is larger then DATA_REGISTRAZIONE don't raise error!

why those results? What i'm wrong?


Re: Column Date and Validating issue

Posted: 27.04.2021, 21:07
by marsupilami
Hello Louis,

I think, it really depends on the value of ZQuery1DATA_REGISTRAZIONE.Value when that happens. What is the value of ZQuery1DATA_REGISTRAZIONE in the database? Do you use firebird or interbase as the protocol?

Best regards,


Re: Column Date and Validating issue

Posted: 28.04.2021, 13:32
by louis
marsupilami wrote: 27.04.2021, 21:07 I think, it really depends on the value of ZQuery1DATA_REGISTRAZIONE.Value when that happens. What is the value of ZQuery1DATA_REGISTRAZIONE in the database?
The value is entered via the keyboard, example: "27/04/2021".
Do you use firebird or interbase as the protocol?


Re: Column Date and Validating issue

Posted: 28.04.2021, 18:50
by louis
now I notice that in an OnValidate event, the parameter Sender contains the new value but the Field still has the old value.

Changing the code from:

Code: Select all

procedure TForm11.ztbDocTestaDATA_DOCUMENTOValidate(Sender: TField);
  if (ZQuery1DATA_DOCUMENTO.AsDateTime > ZQuery1DATA_REGISTRAZIONE.AsDateTime) then
    raise Exception.Create('The registration date is more recent than the date of the document!');

Code: Select all

procedure TForm11.ztbDocTestaDATA_DOCUMENTOValidate(Sender: TField);
  if (Sender.Value > ZQuery1DATA_REGISTRAZIONE.AsDateTime) then
    raise Exception.Create('The registration date is more recent than the date of the document!');
then works, if the new value entered in the DBControl that contain column ZQuery1DATA_DOCUMENTO is newer of ZQuery1DATA_REGISTRAZIONE.Value raise the exception.

Normally in delphi the column already has the new value inside the OnValidate event while with Zeos it seems that, on the contrary, it doesn't have it yet.

I'm confused :(

Re: Column Date and Validating issue

Posted: 28.04.2021, 19:00
by louis
I try disabling ZFields (DisableZFields in ZQuery) and generate all new normal persistent fields. I wonder because now the value entered in a DBControl that contain ZQuery1DATA_REGISTRAZIONE is BLANK after OnValidate event even if the value was assignet at Column ZQuery1DATA_DOCUMENTO!

there is a bug?

I'm more confused

Re: Column Date and Validating issue

Posted: 29.04.2021, 19:03
by louis
I installed new release 7517 but not work, OnValidate is unusable :(


Re: Column Date and Validating issue

Posted: 30.04.2021, 05:48
by EgonHugeist
Hello Luis,

welcome on V8. Be patient we'll get you in. According your proplem can you create a min example and open a ticket on A bit more code would be nice to resolve the problem.

Re: Column Date and Validating issue

Posted: 30.04.2021, 10:18
by louis

Re: Column Date and Validating issue

Posted: 03.05.2021, 08:19
by louis
may be i find the bug?

in a procedure:

Code: Select all

procedure TZAbstractRODataset.SetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: {$IFDEF WITH_TVALUEBUFFER}TValueBuffer{$ELSE}Pointer{$ENDIF};
  NativeFormat: Boolean);
  if Field.DataType in [ftWideString, ftBCD, ftDate, ftTime, ftDateTime] then begin
    NativeFormat := True;
    if (Field.DataType <> ftWideString) then
      FNativeFormatOverloadCalled[Field.DataType] := True;

  inherited SetFieldData(Field, Buffer, NativeFormat);
  SetFieldData(Field, Buffer);

This assignation
FNativeFormatOverloadCalled[Field.DataType] := True;
not wotks because
FNativeFormatOverloadCalled[Field.DataType] is ever False!

See the Watch list on attached file to see that the debbugger is beyond the line and even if the FieldDataType is ftDate and for this the line FNativeFormatOverloadCalled[Field.DataType] := True; has executed the value of FNativeFormatOverloadCalled[Field.DataType] is not changed and it is still False.

I don't understand why