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Is it possible to return more detailed error message from Firebird?

Posted: 30.03.2021, 18:47
by L_VV
Good day,

Sorry if I just did not figure it out, I work with Zeoslib relatively short time.

Can you tell me, please, is it possible to return all the error messages from the Firebird, when an error occurs, and not just a one element from FB status vector?
If there is no such feature, is it possible to implement it?

For example, a such error occurs:

Code: Select all

Unsuccessful execution caused by a system error that precludes successful execution of subsequent statements.
Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your database administrator to set up a Firebird login.
GDSCODE: 225544472
But from the ZDbcFirebird unit only part of it is returned:

Code: Select all

Unsuccessful execution caused by a system error that precludes successful execution of subsequent statements
Code: -902 Message: Connect to "localhost/3050:Test.db" as user "TEST_APPSRV".
From this error message is completely incomprehensible what happened.

Fragment of code from the ZDbcFirebird module:

Code: Select all

    if FAttachment = nil then begin
      FLogMessage := Format(SConnect2AsUser, [ConnectionString, URL.UserName]);;
      FAttachment := FProvider.attachDatabase(FStatus, @FByteBuffer[0], Length(DPB), Pointer(DPB));
      if ((Fstatus.getState and {$IFDEF WITH_CLASS_CONST}IStatus.STATE_ERRORS{$ELSE}IStatus_STATE_ERRORS{$ENDIF}) <> 0) then
        HandleErrorOrWarning(lcConnect, PARRAY_ISC_STATUS(FStatus.getErrors),
          FLogMessage, IImmediatelyReleasable(FWeakImmediatRelPtr));

      { Logging connection action }
      if DriverManager.HasLoggingListener then
        DriverManager.LogMessage(lcConnect, URL.Protocol, FLogMessage);
Although the function is named FStatus.getErrors (in plural), only one error from the Firebird status vector is returned.

Now I am developing an application using ZeosLib and mORMot2, and to the client is returned such an error:

Code: Select all

        "ClassName": "EZIBSQLException",
        "Address": "7ffff5e9e000",
        "Message": "SQL Error: Unsuccessful execution caused by a system error that precludes successful execution of subsequent statements \nCode: -902 Message: Connect to \"localhost/3050:Test.db\" as user \"TEST_APPSRV\""
This is not a very informative message.
And more detailed information is not saved even into the log...

Re: Is it possible to return more detailed error message from Firebird?

Posted: 31.03.2021, 08:10
by marsupilami
Locked because it is a duplicate of viewtopic.php?f=50&t=137609