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Zeos problem with data type bigint in MSSQL

Posted: 12.07.2007, 17:21
by indiralanza

I am using the same Data Module(DM) to connect to MySQL and MSSQL 2000 Data Base (DB). I am using a TZTable to get data form both DB. The table I use in MSSQL and MYSQL has a fiel named IDCod and the type is "bigint".
When I add to my TZTable the field IDCod from MSSQL 2000 DB I get a "TFloatField" instead "TLargeintField" Why its happening if I have a bigint declared in my DB's table??????
When I connect to MySQL there is no problem because when the TZTable load the type of the field correctly as "TLargeintField" as in my table is declare as "bigint"
What can I do to solve this problem I need to use the same type of data "TLargeintField" for both DB because I use the same componencts of DM for Both.
Please wirte back soon. I will apreciate your help
Indira :?

Posted: 11.08.2007, 00:29
by tweidelt
Please do a bug report at:

Posted: 11.08.2007, 20:35
by mdaems
It's already on the list.
When you read this post you may use the workaround mentioned there.

Unfortunately, I think we will need a community member using MSSQL to debug this error. For the moment I know no MSSQL members in the dev team...
