Execute stored proc with table parameter
Posted: 03.02.2021, 17:39
Hi everybody
I have to execute this through lazarus
Some explanations :
- MMEA_tableauProduits is a user defined table type
- result is output, but I don't care about it, the stored proc throw exception in case of problem
Environnement :
- lazarus 2.0.10
- zeos 7.2.8
- mssql >2012 (various prod env.)
- ntwdblib ( so far so good, no issues or missing features for the moment. AND i cannot find binaries for freetds )
- Windows !
I have no clue how i can achive this ! I may use ZStoredProc for executing the proc, ok, but how to do the beginning of the script ? Am I missing a script component ?
I've tried executing zquery for the 3 first lines, and it's not working (I've tried knowing it would fail)
Best regards
I have to execute this through lazarus
Code: Select all
DECLARE @result int;
DECLARE @liste AS MMEA_tableauProduits;
insert into @liste (CodeCIP, quantite) VALUES ('3400935955838', 1),('4052199014111', 1);
exec [dbo].[MMEA_ajouteDocVente]
@IDF_CIP = '1234567',
@DO_Ref = 'test',
@Do_Type = 1,
@listeProduits = @liste,
@result = 0
- MMEA_tableauProduits is a user defined table type
- result is output, but I don't care about it, the stored proc throw exception in case of problem
Environnement :
- lazarus 2.0.10
- zeos 7.2.8
- mssql >2012 (various prod env.)
- ntwdblib ( so far so good, no issues or missing features for the moment. AND i cannot find binaries for freetds )
- Windows !
I have no clue how i can achive this ! I may use ZStoredProc for executing the proc, ok, but how to do the beginning of the script ? Am I missing a script component ?
I've tried executing zquery for the 3 first lines, and it's not working (I've tried knowing it would fail)
Best regards