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Protocol Ado = program crash

Posted: 13.01.2021, 20:24
by nlanger
My new program with Zeo7.3 and OleDb protocol is already running successfully on several computers with Windows 10 using an MS SQL Server 2014 database.

Now I have a network wirth 8 Clients with Windows 10. The program does not work on all clients. The program starts - but immediately crashes again without an error message. If I set "Protocol = Ado" in ZConn, it works.

I'm using MSOLEDBSQL.1 or SQLOLEDB.1 as providers, both of which work with "Ado". Neither of them work with OleDB.

Is a service, a network protocol or something similar missing on the client or the SQL Server?


Re: Protocol Ado = program crash

Posted: 13.01.2021, 20:59
by marsupilami
Hello Norbert,

this sounds strange. Is there a message in the Windows Application log? Maybe you could try madExcept or the Delphi remote debugger?

Best regards,


Re: Protocol Ado = program crash

Posted: 14.01.2021, 11:47
by miab3

For me it works on 6 computers simultaneously:
SERVER-MSSQL Express 2014-Win64
Database:Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=**;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=**;Initial Catalog=test;Data Source=**\SQLEXPRESS
Delphi 10.3.3-Win32 Zeos8 svn7215

Do you have installed msoledbsql.msi on all clients?


Re: Protocol Ado = program crash

Posted: 18.01.2021, 20:10
by nlanger
Hello Michał
For testing purposes, I installed msoledbsql.msi on each client beforehand. And use ...
Protocol: oleDB
Provider=MSOLEDBSQL.1;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=Test;MARS Connection=True;Data Source=Server1;Initial Catalog=DB01

Delphi 10.4 Win32 Zeos 7.3.1-beta

I have the same application on 5 different customer networks. It works fine there.

When I'm back with the customer, I'll follow up Jan's tip and look for the Windows Application log etc.


Re: Protocol Ado = program crash

Posted: 18.01.2021, 21:49
by miab3
What does this Zeos 7.3.1-beta mean? For three months now, a version called Zeos 8.0.0-beta has been in development, and its current revision is svn 7227.


Re: Protocol Ado = program crash

Posted: 22.01.2021, 06:49
by EgonHugeist

sounds realy weird. Any new informations?

Re: Protocol Ado = program crash

Posted: 26.01.2021, 17:51
by nlanger
I tried the program again via remote maintenance on the server.
Enclosed the Windows event ... - no real help.

Re: Protocol Ado = program crash

Posted: 26.01.2021, 17:59
by nlanger
Hello Michal

Why do I use version 7.3 and not 8.0?

You changed the ZQuery.Params from 8.0. The new type TZParam no longer works in the Quick Report Designer. :x
But that means that over 100 forms have been created for my customers.

Unfortunately, the Quick Report Designer incorporates the components and their properties in its form definitions.


Re: Protocol Ado = program crash

Posted: 26.01.2021, 19:48
by nlanger
I found the mistake. I was able to establish and debug a VPN connection from the Delphi10 client to the SQL server.

I use the Rx-Tools with the component TRxMemDS (a query as memory-table). When program starting, an SQL query is executed which returns a field which was "Numeric (18,3)" => "BCD overflow" occurred here and the program crashed without a message. I changed the field to "Numeric (9,3)" - that's enough at this point.

A different field type is apparently supplied with Protocol=ADO.

there is just nothing about debugging :)


Re: Protocol Ado = program crash

Posted: 29.01.2021, 05:37
by EgonHugeist
Hello Norbert,
Look @ viewtopic.php?f=50&t=129484
you can use the

Code: Select all

conditional define as a workaround.

Anyway it would be nice to know if the value could be read correctly if we're on same bandwith..

Re: Protocol Ado = program crash

Posted: 11.03.2021, 17:31
by nlanger
Hi Michael

I have good news and bad news :-)
I downloaded the Zeos8 package on January 5th, 2021 and today.

That from January 5th, 2021 works fine with "DISABLE_ZPARAM" in (also in the QuickReport Designer).
The version from today works in all other sources, but in the QuickReport Designer the message "invalid parameter type" appears when the query is opened.

I'll take the one from January 5th, 2021 first.


Re: Protocol Ado = program crash

Posted: 17.03.2021, 14:02
by nlanger
Hi Michael

When I set the date format to DD.MM.YYYY, the QuickReport-Designer also works with the current Zeos8 version (with DISABLE_ZPARAM), because internally the date is passed to the parameters as text.

so everything ok :D

Re: Protocol Ado = program crash

Posted: 18.03.2021, 15:14
by aehimself
nlanger wrote: 17.03.2021, 14:02QuickReport-Designer [...] internally the date is passed to the parameters as text
Why, just why...? :D
Is there a "tearing my hair out" smiley on this forum?

Re: Protocol Ado = program crash

Posted: 18.03.2021, 18:16
by EgonHugeist
Norbert, thanks for the feedback even if i had no time to reply. As aehimself notice ... what a *beep* :censored:
Could you point the developers to the Zeos8 TZParams? :chef: That would help you and others!