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Several bugs in Zeos source code (r7115-trunk)

Posted: 25.11.2020, 10:58
by Kirill

There are several misprints in ZAbstractRODataset module: WIT_ASLARGEINT instead of WITH_ASLARGEINT, WIT_WIDEMEMO instead of WITH_WIDEMEMO.

In Zeos {$C-} is used for the release method. Assert procedures are ignored for this option. For example, in ZDbcODBCUtils module this line will be ignored: "Assert(ODBC3BaseDriver.SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, Pointer(SQL_NULL_HANDLE), HENV) = SQL_SUCCESS, 'Couldn''t allocate an Environment handle');". A similar problem exists in many modules.

Re: Several bugs in Zeos source code (r7115-trunk)

Posted: 25.11.2020, 18:17
by EgonHugeist
Both wrong defines fixed. See:
According the Assert(s):
in most cases it's exacly what i want: Do not compile the Asserts in release mode. But some of them need to be revisited, propably! -> happen on Developement.. I'll check then Assert() lines again.

Re: Several bugs in Zeos source code (r7115-trunk)

Posted: 26.11.2020, 10:08
by Kirill
Hi, Michael! Thanks for fixing wrong defines. Revisiting asserts would also be great.