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Informix support in Zeos 7.2.8

Posted: 13.11.2020, 11:37
by Vodnik
I have just installed Zeos 7.2.8 into Lazarus.
From Release Notes I discovered that Zeos now support connection to Informix.
Great, this is what I'm looking for!
But I can't find how to set up ZConnection for Informix, there is no such Protocol (see screenshot).
. . .
Attachments do not work: "Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached."

Re: Informix support in Zeos 7.2.8

Posted: 13.11.2020, 13:43
by marsupilami

I am sorry - that is misleading. Zeos 7.2 supports Informix only via the ADO bridge. And if you use the ADO bridge, we support Sequences on Informix now. The same is true for Zeos 8.0. Egonhugeist might release an Informix driver during the lifetime of Zeos 8.0. You might want to get in contact with him. It is more fun to develop a new driver if there is a user who can test it ;)

Best regards,


Re: Informix support in Zeos 7.2.8

Posted: 13.11.2020, 14:24
by Vodnik
Ooops... :(
Release Notes also say that support for ODBC is only planned for the future.
So there is no chance to use Zeos for Informix connection (direct or via ODBC) at the moment.
I came to Zeos from Lazarus sqldb because it produce exception on specific SQL request, which is normally run under any ODBC tool.

Re: Informix support in Zeos 7.2.8

Posted: 13.11.2020, 15:53
by marsupilami
Vodnik wrote: 13.11.2020, 14:24 Release Notes also say that support for ODBC is only planned for the future.
ODBC support is implemented in Zeos 8.0. Zeos 8.0 is already stable. We only don't release it yet because I still need some time to write the release notes. Zeos 8.0 supports ODBC / OleDB and ADO. For a direct driver please send a message to Egonhugeist. He can tell you what he has and what he doesn't have.

For Zeos 8.0 please download a snapshot here:

We do answer questions here on the forums.

Re: Informix support in Zeos 7.2.8

Posted: 14.11.2020, 20:51
by Vodnik
Thank You for the advice, I succeeded with Zeos 8.0 installation.
I have discovered two ODBC drivers: odbc_a and odbc_w.
Can you please explain what they are?
I have a Windows 32-bit IBM Informix ODBC driver; which one should be used for it?

Re: Informix support in Zeos 7.2.8

Posted: 17.11.2020, 07:11
by EgonHugeist

First of all: Both ODBC protocols are tested and optimized against SQLServer only. So i can't guarantee if it would work.

According your question:
IIRC the Informix is a raw Server so ODBC_A would be my choice.
Determining the charactersets is a bit different made for OleDB/ODBC:
EgonHugeist wrote:
set a custom codepage to notify zeos about conversion routines note: cp must be equal for all fields else use the W driver:
first place in a name
second use ':' for the codepage
third use '/' for the maximum amount of bytes / character equal to database defined charset

example: codepage=latin1:1252/1
example: characterset=utf8:65001/4