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[bug_fixed] bug report: read blob in ADO

Posted: 29.05.2007, 13:38
by zx
greetings. I've been sending a number of patches to Zeos team since 6.1.5 or 6.1.4 version, but as member rotations took place, this patches were not taken a good look at..

so I'm trying to send 'em one more time.

bug report: read blob in ADO

[platform notes]
protocol: ado
Microsoft SQL server 2000
field kind = image

when you fetch blob field from database with zeosdbo components
using ADO protocol the last byte of blob field is lost.

[suggested solution]
======== [dbc\ZDbcAdoResultSet.pas] ========
function TZAdoResultSet.GetBlob(ColumnIndex: Integer): IZBlob;
Result := TZAbstractBlob.CreateWithData(P, VarArrayHighBound(V, 1));
(changed into)
Result := TZAbstractBlob.CreateWithData(P, VarArrayHighBound(V, 1) + 1);
{to fix error: read blob truncates its last byte}

Posted: 29.05.2007, 23:36
by mdaems
Hi zx,

Can you please try to get the test suite installed and working on your machine? We don't have people using ADO, so it would be nice if you could tell us these patches don't make it all worse. I suppose some tests already fail from the beginning, but if you count the numbers 'before' and 'after' changes we know if the score goes up or down.

As you see, this time we don't forget to have a look at your patches, but as we don't have a lot of ADO users and no developers we have some quality assurance problem.

This patch is committed in rev. 253. (Testing branch)


Posted: 30.05.2007, 05:58
by zx
mdaems wrote:Can you please try to get the test suite installed and working on your machine?
I'll try to do my best to make it so. But now I do not really have time to do it.
mdaems wrote: As you see, this time we don't forget to have a look at your patches
Thanx a lot. I said about all that misunderstandings only because I am sending this stuff for the third if not forth time (first time - to your team).

Posted: 30.05.2007, 12:29
by mdaems
Sorry we had to drop the sourceforge trackers. I suppose it was there you posted previously. It was a real mess when we had to take over. Nobody knew what was done or not done in the source version we had. So we had to start over issue collection. At first it worked fine using the bugs forum but that became to complicated with all bugs standing there closed and open together. So we decided to move to the bug tracker.
