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Zeos with Lazarus on Linux

Posted: 25.04.2007, 00:08
by Zevang
Hi all listers,

I've got in trouble installing Zeoslib 6.6.1 into Lazarus and Linux.
The packages compile OK, but when it's time to rebuild Lazarus (differently from Delphi that doesn't require rebuild) an error come up saying that "it was not possible to compile ZCore 651".

Note: I've done this on Windows with no such problem. And I found funny that I was installing 6.6.1 beta version and it prompted for a 6.5.1 package.

thanks in advance,


Posted: 25.04.2007, 00:28
by mdaems
Did you uninstall any old packages that were present in your Lazarus installation before upgrading to 6.6.1? Or was it a clean install? When the old units are still swimming around somewhere in the lazarus config files or paths this could lead to such errors.


Posted: 25.04.2007, 20:23
by Zevang
Hi Mark, thanks for your attention.

It's a clean installation, by the way, Lazarus and Linux also were recently installed.


P.S. Forgot to say... Linux is Xubuntu 6.10 (over Debian), using the KDE graphic interface.

Posted: 26.04.2007, 08:36
by mdaems
Stupid from my side. I forgot we only recently changed the version numbers in the lazarus package files. It has to be done manually at every version number increase, so we tend to forget. So he's looking for the right file.

Problem has more to do with the search path Lazarus uses when building. I have the same kind of trouble when I'm messing with Lazarus builds. I hope they change Lazarus soon to allow package installs without the need for a complete rebuild.
Can somebody tell us what path should exactly be changed where to solve this problem? Is it something we can change in the zeoslib package files?


Posted: 26.04.2007, 18:47
by Zevang
Great point Mark.

I think from now on Zeos developers only will help us solve this.


Posted: 04.05.2007, 16:17
by Zevang
Maybe Arwen could help us with it...


Posted: 05.05.2007, 08:35
by Arwen
Zevang wrote:Maybe Arwen could help us with it...

I'm using Lazarus 0.9.22 and I installed the ZeosLib on Windows and on a FedoraCore5 , today I'll try on a FedoraCore6.
I have copied the original directory of ZeosLib in
without rename it so I have a directory 'ZEOSDBO-6.6.1-beta' in the components directory.
Than I have (menu components Open LPK) open only the zcomponent that is in
and I have chosen Install.
After Lazarus say me that it install some extra componente I have choosen YES
and when Lazarus ask me to rebuild itself I have choosen YES
On Linux I use Lazarus compiled by me from the lazarus-0.9.22-1.tar.gz and the FPC installed from official rpm of Fedora Repos.
Compile Lazarus is simple :
Using a shell go in the directory where have unpaked (a good place is your Home) the source and than type
make bigide
at the end type (always in the same directory)

This is all.
I hope of to have been of aid.

My Lazarus WEB pages :

Where I can find some example of zeos for Lazarus ?

Thank to all and have a good WeekEnd :wink:

Posted: 08.05.2007, 23:17
by Zevang
Arwen, thanks for your help.
BTW, I wish to send you congrats for your beautiful website.


Posted: 10.05.2007, 10:42
by Arwen
Hy !!
I find a problem with zeos
On a Windows 2000 installing like as I have said in the previous post work all but on a Windows XP when i try to compile a project that contains a Query object I receive the error below :
ZComponent.pas [11,18] can't find unit ZDataset
I'll try to reinstall the zeos components and library .
Someone has already had this problem? :shock:

Thanks to all

Posted: 10.05.2007, 22:22
by Arwen
After a reinstall now I can compile a poject with zeos components but when I try to ad a event to a ZQuery I receive same error and I can't compile :
Identifier not found 'TDataSet'
Identifier not found 'TUpdatekind'
Identifier not found 'UpDatection'
and for the var UpdateAction
Identifier alredy defined in unit CLASSES at line 1362
There is a version of zeos that work on Lazarus 0.9.22 ? :?

Thalks to all

Posted: 11.05.2007, 16:56
by Zevang
Arwen, I have the same problem with XP. Almost everything works great, but when trying to create an event on a ZQuery, I've got this:

C:\ZEOSDBO-6.6.1-beta\src\component\ZDataSet.pas(54,6) Error: identifier not found: TDataSetNotifyEvent


Posted: 14.05.2007, 06:59
by bee
I succeed install and use Zeos on Delphi, but failed on Lazarus (both on Linux and win32). I suggest Zeos team to test the package completely on Lazarus before release it officially. Since now Zeos officially supports Lazarus, the test should be done on Linux as well.

Posted: 14.05.2007, 08:34
by mdaems
Hi Bee,

You're right about testing it completely on lazarus. Would you be able to convert the test suite packages to get the test suite working on Lazarus? I think it could be a straight translation from the delphi packages/projects you find in the D7 package directory that have 'Test' in their name. (Framework and testing executables).
I'm not comfortable enough to Lazarus to do that myself, but compiling and running the suite should be possible. Once a suite is available it shouldn't be to difficult to run it on linux as well, I suppose.

Personally, I think cause of most of the Lazarus problems is in the Lazarus/fpc environment which is still growing up. Lot's of different (unstable and stable) versions are running around. I'm afraid it would be very difficult to provide working packages for all different Lazarus installations available the way we try to do for Delphi. Ideally each Lazarus release should include the zeoslib packages that are working. I suppose this is dreaming?
