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Delphi 5 standard

Posted: 07.10.2005, 13:21
by forest
I assume that Delphi 5 Standard cannot be used with zeos because of missing db.pas unit, right ? Could someone confirm before I will try fix problems with install like missing DateUtils unit ?

Posted: 07.10.2005, 13:34
by Michael
Affirmative :!: It's the same like with this thread ;-)

Posted: 07.10.2005, 13:40
by forest
OK.I could write my own TDataset but it's much more hassle than I want,so I must use Lazarus.
Is Zeos working under Lazarus and install without problems ? :shock:

Posted: 10.10.2005, 11:51
by klimvv
By the way I use early 6.5.1-alfa, but when I try to install 6.5.1-alfa_cvs_26-09-2005 I've got a message that I have no DateUtils.dcu file.
I use the same Delphi5 Enterprise

Posted: 10.10.2005, 15:13
by btrewern
I think DateUtils.dcu is a new unit in Delphi 6. Having this dependency limits Zeos to versions newer than this for no good reason that I can see.

One of the developers should have a look at this.


Posted: 13.10.2005, 11:49
by forest
Maybe this can help you : a simple replacement for decodeDateTime:

[syntax="delphi"]unit DateUtils;


procedure DecodeDateTime(Date : TDateTime; Year,Month,Day,Hour,Min,Sec,MSec : Word);


procedure DecodeDateTime(Date : TDateTime; Year,Month,Day,Hour,Min,Sec,MSec : Word);


[edit="Michael"]Put the two posts together and added syntax highlighting ;-)[/edit]

Posted: 14.10.2005, 08:09
by mdaems
Maybe it's better to leave out the line numbers when formatting the code. So we don't have to strip them if we copy it to a unit. I'lll try to attach a stripped version to this reply. Unfortunately I had to zip this little piece of text because .pas files are not allowed as attachment. It would be nice if it were possible to attach '*.pas,*.txt' as well.

btw Any plans to add this unit to the code of Zeoslib :?:


Posted: 14.10.2005, 21:10
by Michael

I didn't consider this point. But after thinking about it: you're right. I've deactivated the line numbering. Better now? :mrgreen: