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[bug_fixed] Delphi 2007 for Win32 Support

Posted: 10.04.2007, 16:41
by mosca_morta
Create the subfolder delphi11, extract the files and create a subfolder build.


Francisco Ernesto Teixeira
HeidiSQL Developer

Posted: 11.04.2007, 15:42
by d.malkmus
and then i have right-click on ZComponentDesign110.bpl in the ProjectManager and choose INSTALL.

[DCC Fehler] ZSqlUpdate.pas(61): E2225 'Never-build' Package 'ZDbc' muss neu compiliert werden

What is the right way to install ?


Posted: 12.04.2007, 13:35
by mdaems
Open project group, 'Compile all' first and 'install' afterwards?
Not using D2007, but that's the way it works on other platforms.


Posted: 12.04.2007, 13:46
by mdaems
Committed to testing branch. Will appear soon in snapshot releases and probably in 6.6 release. Can somebody just let us know if it works for him? I wasn't able to test it.


Posted: 13.04.2007, 15:20
by mosca_morta
Hi, guys...

Its simple: use the SVN repository, add the packages\delphi11\build on Library - Win32, open the project group ZeosDbo.groupproj, right click on ZCore110.bpl, select Compile All From Here, and after, right click ZComponentDesign110.bpl and select Install.

Everything works fine to me.

Francisco Ernesto Teixeira
HeidiSQL Developer

Posted: 19.04.2007, 09:19
by ilboss
Hi to all,
I follow all your instruction step by step and it seans all work good but, when I go to Component | Install packages I find "Zeos Database Components" without components inside!

what's wrong? I'm using the 6.6.1 beta with the delphi11.rar you post.


Posted: 23.04.2007, 10:24
by mosca_morta
Hi, illboss.

Try to use the official SVN version :D


Francisco Ernesto Teixeira
HeidiSQL Developer

Posted: 23.04.2007, 10:45
by mdaems
By now it's downloadable from the page. ZEOSLIB_TESTING_REV237 or any higher Testing revision.


Posted: 23.04.2007, 14:38
by ilboss
I try it but... it's the same!
Component | Install packages I find "Zeos Database Components" without components inside!


I have installed Zeoslib 6.1.5 on my D6. this could be the problem?

Posted: 15.05.2007, 04:58
by baby_moon
I have tried the SVN snapshot, when install ZComponentDesign, Delphi asks for remove ZComponent. Where got problem?

Posted: 29.10.2007, 15:00
by Tielles
Pooooh Francisco! Tenho que te agradecer em português mesmo!! Faz mais de uma semana que to tentando instalar o Zeos no meu Delphi 2007 e não consigo, agora consegui com seus arquivos! Valeu mesmo! Cê me ajudou pra caramba!!!

("Woooh Francisco! I need to thank ya in portuguese!! There are more than a week i'm trying to install Zeos in my Delphi 2007 and i've not sucess, now i've sucess installing with your files! Thanks so much! Ya help me a lot!!!")


Posted: 29.10.2007, 21:26
by mdaems
Hi Tielles,

I think the svn snapshot (306) I uploaded his morning should be allright then...
