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Swedish characters (ÅÄÖ) in path

Posted: 15.03.2007, 10:54
by CarlG

I have just downloaded SQLite Administrator. It looks great. However, it seems to be unable to open databases with Swedish characters (ÅÄÖ, åäö) in the path or filename...

Is this easy to fix?
When trying to open such a DB, SQLite Admin seems to create a new, empty DB with the same name except all Swedish characters are gone...

Carl Gustafsson

Posted: 15.03.2007, 11:08
by Orbmu2k
At sqlite2 databases i dont see any problems ...

But at Sqlite3 Databases iam also unable to create a database with these chars.

I got:

Code: Select all

library routine called out of sequence
this bug seem so be related by zeoslib

Posted: 28.03.2007, 08:24
by CarlG
Is this something that might be fixed in the overseeable future?


Posted: 05.05.2007, 11:22
by stadin
It is related to the Sqlite Version, because since 3.2.5 utf8 is used internally. I had the same problem with german Umlauts in the path. I changed the Open function in ZPlainSqlite3Driver.pas to use utf8 for versions > 3.2.5. Now it works.

function TZSQLite3PlainDriver.Open(const filename: PChar; mode: Integer;
var errmsg: PChar): Psqlite;
Result0: Psqlite;
Version: string;
FileNameString: String;
Version := LibVersion;
Result0:= nil;
FileNameString := filename;
if (Version > '3.2.5') then
ZPlainSqLite3.sqlite_open(PAnsiChar(AnsiToUTF8(FileNameString)), Result0)
ZPlainSqLite3.sqlite_open(filename, Result0);
Result := Result0;

Posted: 09.05.2007, 20:57
by mdaems
This solution is committed to SVN Testing branch (Rev 246). So this will be included in next Zeoslib release. (Unless somebody says the fix is broken, as I did not test it myself)


Posted: 29.05.2007, 14:56
by aducom
Why not:

Code: Select all

function TZSQLite3PlainDriver.Open(const filename: PChar; mode: Integer;
  var errmsg: PChar): Psqlite;
  Result0: Psqlite;
 Result0:= nil;

 if (LibVersion > '3.2.5') then
   ZPlainSqLite3.sqlite_open(PAnsiChar(AnsiToUTF8(FileName)), Result0)
   ZPlainSqLite3.sqlite_open(filename, Result0);

  Result := Result0;

Posted: 29.05.2007, 22:39
by mdaems
No real reason. I have been thinking about which version to use. I probably choose for readability. When you send me a patch for Sqlite, can you just add this optimization?


Posted: 30.05.2007, 08:01
by aducom