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connecting with postgresql 12.1

Posted: 05.01.2020, 20:39
by santia
ZeosDBO works with Postgresql with a version higher than 9 ???
I've tried it with version 12.1 and it doesn't work with Lazarus v2.06, the error message it gives me is:
Client-Library libpq.dll found but could not be loaded.
Check compile-target and library compatibility!


Re: connecting with postgresql 12.1

Posted: 06.01.2020, 12:23
by marsupilami
Hello and welcome to the forums :)

Zeos will connect to all versions of PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL 12 only gets delivered as a 64 Bits application. You have two options:
- change your Lazarus project to be a 64 bit application.
- get a 32 bit client library. A 32 bit client library gets distributed with pgadmin 4.

Best regards,


Re: connecting with postgresql 12.1

Posted: 06.01.2020, 14:51
by santia
After continuing to test, I got it to work by copying the following dll to client, but from version 12.1


Of course I use the 64 bit version. from Lazaruz, now everything works ok