Code: Select all
2014-03-14 09:48:36:430 cat: Prepare, proto: postgresql-8, msg: PREPARE 'update paciente set IdPaciente=$1, NroFcr=$2, Protesisortesis=$3, Alergias=$4, ApellidoPaterno=$5, ApellidoMaterno=$6, IdTipoDocumento=$7, NroDocumento=$8, Nombres=$9, FechaNacimiento=$10, IdSexo=$11, Domicilio=$12, Telefono=$13, IdLocalidad=$14, IdDepartamento=$15, IdProvincia=$16, IdEstadoCivil=$17, IdEtnia=$18, IdReligion=$19 where(idpaciente = $20)'
2014-03-14 09:48:36:861 cat: Execute prepared, proto: postgresql-8, msg: update paciente set IdPaciente=?, NroFcr=?, Protesisortesis=?, Alergias=?, ApellidoPaterno=?, ApellidoMaterno=?, IdTipoDocumento=?, NroDocumento=?, Nombres=?, FechaNacimiento=?, IdSexo=?, Domicilio=?, Telefono=?, IdLocalidad=?, IdDepartamento=?, IdProvincia=?, IdEstadoCivil=?, IdEtnia=?, IdReligion=? where(idpaciente = ?)
Apart from that, is there a way to also log the parameter itself?, I mean replacing the $ and ? with its value.