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ZConnection Version Property change

Posted: 26.02.2007, 11:35
by waheed
Shouldn't the ZConnection version property be changed to reflect the current version no.

Posted: 26.02.2007, 13:11
by mdaems
Hi Waheed,

Where did you look? I changed ZClasses.pas in 6.6.1 release. I've seen yesterday I should also change the lazarus package files every time. Still something else I should change at release time?


Posted: 26.02.2007, 15:25
by waheed
I got confused by which folder I should use:

for example RefreshCurrentRow procedure is not in tags\6.6.1-beta\src\component\ZAbstractDataset.pas file but is in the branches\testing folder.

Posted: 26.02.2007, 16:47
by mdaems
tags\6.6.1-beta\ -> officially released versions (only version number is changed before zipping)
branches\firmos_branch -> something temporary used by firmos, the company hosting our repository
branches\releases -> I'll have to look what that was again.
branches\testing -> the real development branch. Here we test changes/patches for at least a week before they move to trunk
trunk -> the 'stable development' branch. This is what gets tagged when we do a release. In fact this is what a user could use to get the latest bugfixes without the instability of a developer branch.

So : the RefreshCurrentRow is a feature implementation for a next release. It will not be moved to trunk before the 6.6 stable release is out. The other new feature waiting in Testing are the prepared statements for mysql, which is not complete at all.

We may add some temporary branches when we start builing 6.7 versions, but that's not really important when you are not involved in development.
For everyday use:
- trunk : quasi stable code waiting to be packaged in a next release - RECOMMENDED for most purposes.
- tags, but packaged releases are easier
- branches\testing : when you want to test a new patch or really want the newest of the newest - AT OWN RISK

I'll see if we can cleanup leftovers.
