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Upgrading to 7.1

Posted: 12.02.2014, 19:43
by pkpk

first of all a big thanks to the team for their great work. Where would be many of us if you weren't there?
I hope you can help me with my questions/problems.

My present setup: ZEOS 6.6 stable with Delphi 2006 Turbo Professional (aka Delphi 10) on Windows XP.

Not wanting to see your good work spent I would like to upgrade to ZEOS 7.something stable.
Alas, there was in you download no package for Delphi 10/2006.
I have read somewhere (on this site?) that one could use the package for Delphi 2005/D9.

First question: True? Not true? - and if not: What can I use?

I am somewhat uncertain about the upgrading process. I remember to have read somewhere that one should remove all of the old components first, even in some unlikely library pathes.
Contrariwise I've read that one could install the two ZEOS versions in parallel without problems.

Second question: True? Not true? - and what do I have to do?

Third question: Anything else one should consider before upgrading? If that makes a difference: I'm mostly using Firebird and SQLite.

Searching for „upgrading“ or „upgrading ZEOS“ has only provided limited/spurious results.

I would hate to spoil a working system.
Finally I wish I could support you in some way. But my present ressources in money, time or in knowledge of DB internals are too limited. Perhaps in the future.


Re: Upgrading to 7.1

Posted: 14.02.2014, 13:28
by miab3

Zeos 6.6, 7.0, 7.1 and 7.2 are in large extent an upward compatible and can not be simultaneously in Delphi environment.

Precise removal of the old version ensures avoid errors mixing version.

In fact, installation requires (only) zeos packages:
They should be "Build", and ZComponentDesign.dpk "Install".

Particularly starting from Delphi XE2 care should be taken to separate the effects of building for different compilers (by pointing separate paths in "Options" dpk and IDE).

It seems that the packages Delphi2005 are so really for D2006 ({$LIBSUFFIX '100'}).
