HowTo Installation ZEOSDBO 6.6.0 beta

Forum related to version 6.5.1 (alpha) and 6.6.x (beta) of ZeosLib's DBOs

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HowTo Installation ZEOSDBO 6.6.0 beta

Post by d_marco »

Hi @all,

I'm looking for help of my ZEOS Installation.
I don't understand how to install ZEOS correctly with my Borland C++ 5.0 Professional Version.
There is no Readme or Installfile where I can look up what I have to do.
Many other Programmer Boards told me that I have to execute *.bpk files, compile them and install them.
But everytime I've tried I get the error message "File is missing *.bpi".

For example I execute ZEOSDBO-6.6.0-beta\packages\cbuilder5\ZComponent.bpk, push the button compile, the following error message appears: "Package-Import can't be found: Zplain.bpi".
There are other missing files, too: vclado50.bpi ; rcl.bpi etc.

Please help me ... I'm really desperate :)
What can I do to install my ZEOS library ???

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Post by mdaems »

Hi Marco,

Never used C++ but one thing I can help you with is the compilation sequence.
First : Use most recent version on (we did some delphi/c5 bugfixes since beta release)
Now : Compile in this sequence : ZCore, ZParseSql, ZPlain, ZDbc, ZComponent.
I think you only have to install ZComponent, but make sure your compiler finds all build package files!

Please, search the forum, as I have seen some 'manuals' for C++5.0 before.

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Post by btrewern »

In Delphi I do the following:

1. Add the src\core, src\component, src\dbc, src\parsesql and src\plain folders to Library path.

2. Open the ZeosDbo.bpg file in packages\delphiX folder.

3. Right click on ComponentDesignXX.bpl and then click Build.

4. Right click on ComponentDesignXX.bpl and then click Install.


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Post by d_marco »

Tanks very much for your answers!
I've downloaded the file ZEOSLIB_TRUNK_REV210, then I've tried to compile the .bpk files following the sequence of mdaems.
ZCore and ZParseSql worked smoothly, but ZPlain I got the message rtl.bpi is missing.
Where do I get this file?
Do I have to copy some files from the ZEOSLIB_TRUNK_REV210 to the Borland path?

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Borland c++ Builder 5 Pro patches for Zeoslib 6.6.0

Post by ilgujo »

Borland c++ Builder 5 Pro patches for Zeoslib 6.6.0 trunk ver 208

this is a reference guide to compile zeoslib in bcb5, sorry for the layout I just paste a text file with some notes.

Of course ADO is not included in BCB5 Pro!
But if you don't need it, just remove the ZDbcAdo*.pas from the ZDbc.dpk
and comment out the
lines 110 and 266-269 in ZPropertyEditor.pas
and the
line 48 in ZConnection.pas.

file ZPlain.cpp
row 6
replace with

file Zdbc.cpp
rows from 13 to 17
replace with

row 29
replace with

ZPropertyEditor.pas (ZComponents.dbk)
rows 110 and 266-269 in
row 175
, ZDbcAdoUtils
replace with
//, ZDbcAdoUtils

row from 599 to 602
if ((GetComponent(0) as TZConnection).Protocol = 'ado') then
(GetComponent(0) as TZConnection).Database := PromptDataSource(Application.Handle,
(GetComponent(0) as TZConnection).Database)
replace with
//if ((GetComponent(0) as TZConnection).Protocol = 'ado') then
// (GetComponent(0) as TZConnection).Database := PromptDataSource(Application.Handle,
// (GetComponent(0) as TZConnection).Database)

ZConnection.pas (ZComponents.dbk)
row 50
replace with

Changed following property names from previous versions:

* TZQuery.RequestLive --> TZQuery.ReadOnly

hope this will help you...
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Post by mdaems »

Hi Ilgujo,

Can't you do this editing src/ changing these lines

Code: Select all

// Enables ADO support in TZConnection/TZDataset
   {$IFNDEF VER130BELOW}   <<---
   {$ENDIF}                <<---
If not, can you please write an '$IFDEFed' version that does not impact other compilers? That way I can add it to the official zeos version.

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Post by d_marco »

Hi @all,

now I've got the ZEOS Components installed.
Thanks very much for your help.
The advices of ilgujo made the ZEOS Components run.

I have only one additional note to the notes of ilgujo.
In this part
file Zdbc.cpp
rows from 13 to 17
replace with

you have to modify line 8:
replace with

Now it should everywhere work with C++ Builder 5.0 !!!

Thanks very much again.
I'm so happy now :)

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Post by altin »

Hi Mark!

Can you help me. on the MySQL-Server is a Database Mysql wit a table user. I´ve created a new Database called Metall on the Server. Iv you connect to the server the useres are saved in the mysql.users Table if i´m right. OK, if i connect to my database how is it possible to get the username who logged actually in? can you help me? :-) Bad English...
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Post by d_marco »


after I've installed the Zeos components, I wanted to use them in my Borland C++ Builder. I.E. I put a ZConnection Icon on my Form and want to compile only the Form with the component (No additional code) but it doesn't work. I get the error "Header-File not found for component: ZConnection". What shall I do? Where do I find the Headerfiles? In which folder do I have to copy them? Must I create a library or something else???
I don't have any clue how to get further... Please help me again :wink:

Thanks and regards,
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Post by nikki_w »

ok I am new to zeos and to delphi, so this may sound stupid but here it goes... I am not having any luck installing zeos into delphi 6. I am getting an error msg when I try to complie the first file. The error reads 'Required package rtl not found' If someone could help me with this I would appreciate it.

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Post by pele »

btrewern wrote:In Delphi I do the following:

1. Add the src\core, src\component, src\dbc, src\parsesql and src\plain folders to Library path. OK

2. Open the ZeosDbo.bpg file in packages\delphiX folder. OK, but nothing happened

3. Right click on ComponentDesignXX.bpl and then click Build. WHAT ?

4. Right click on ComponentDesignXX.bpl and then click Install. WHAT ?
I don't know how to install. I don't have any *.bpl files !!!
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Post by mdaems »

Nothing happened?
Is the 'Project Manager' window opened? There you should see a list of the project group content. This content is where you should right click and choose build/install.

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