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Install Zeoslib 6.6.0-beta on Delphi 7

Posted: 31.01.2007, 10:57
by davidkungfu

I tried to install Zeoslib 6.6.0-beta on Delphi 7. I followed the instructions in this topic:

Install Zeosdbo 6.6.0 on Delphi 6

The problem is that I can't find the ZComponent.bpl in the archive file...

Did I miss something?

Thank you


Posted: 31.01.2007, 11:21
by davidkungfu
I found how to do it...

1. You uncompress the archive.
2. You place the ..../package/delphi7/build folder in tour lib path in delphi 7
3. You copy the Dll files in /Windows/System folder
4. You Open the project ..../package/delphi7/ZeosDbo.bpg
5. In the Delphi 7 - Project Manager you right-click and click "Compile" one by one on the following files:
YOU DON'T COMPILE THE ZComponentDesign70.bpl
6. In the Delphi 7 - Project Manager you right-click and click "Install" for ZComponentDesign70.bpl

That's all...