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LongBlob in MYSQL error

Posted: 30.01.2007, 17:34
by braune
i'm using:

ZeosDBO 6.6.0 beta rev 210
Delphi 5 Enterprise
MySQL V4.1.11-nt
Windows XP Pro SP2

Login: ok.
SQL: "select * from artikel" results error "Fehler bei Bereichsprüfung"

This error comes only fieldtype LONGBLOB is in fieldlist.
Can test with the demo DCBDEMO.

Any idea?



Posted: 31.01.2007, 12:06
by braune
Hi, i've found the error/bug???!!!

Not the fieldtype LONGBLOB is the error a field named MATCH.
Ok this field is reserved, but other programs or components have not problems.

I've tested:

SQLEXPRESS 2005 : ok
MySQL V4.1.11-nt : error

For more infos see the attached file in MANTIS


Posted: 31.01.2007, 20:13
by mdaems
Thanks Uwe,

Maybe we can fix it by forcing the component to use backticks for 'MATCH' when necessary. Try to add itin TZMySQLDatabaseMetadata.GetSQLKeywords and pleaselet me know ifthat solves the problem. What about 'max' or other database functions as column name?


Posted: 05.02.2007, 11:38
by braune
Hi Mark,

oh no, i found an old libmysql.dll in the windows directory.
I've remove the dll an now works perfect.
Excuse me....
