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ReportBuilder Data Access for Zeoslib

Posted: 19.01.2007, 01:01
by bravecobra
I'm using ReportBuilder to generate my reports. However I never found the needed classes to use the RB's ReportExplorer fully.
So based upon some other library, I came up with this.

Any comments are well appreciated.

ZEOS Report Builder support

Posted: 18.05.2011, 22:51
by ozen
I've changed the code and made it a daADO.pas replacement.

How to use it?
1- Backup your original daADO.pas in Rbuilder\Source directory.
2- Rename your daADO.pas to daADO_ADO.pas
3- Edit daADO_ADO.pas and just comment the line where unit name
is written.
Example : //unit daADO;
Don't make any changes
4- Copy daADO.pas, daADO_ZEOS.pas and CompileOptions.INC
to your Rbuilder\Source directory
5- Rebuild your report builder.

Please See readme.txt for further details.