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Posted: 05.09.2011, 19:11
by ism
I can not download svn:// Rev. 930

There's the latest commit of 903
But patches were taken

Where are they?

Posted: 05.09.2011, 20:07
by ism

svn co ... es/testing zeoslib

But the link in first post need to be updated

Posted: 07.09.2011, 16:29
by krassonkel
MaleManGuy wrote:I'd even pay for zeos since the alternative would mean more work for me to switch.
Yepp, me too! I'd love to donate if I could be sure that development is happening!

Posted: 07.09.2011, 20:35
by mdaems
Yes, but who's going to work to earn the payments...
I'm not. Sorry. I already have a fulltime job in programming, so zeoslib work should be without obligations for me.
(Which doesn't mean I won't accept small gifts from people who want to reward me personally for work already done, of course :pirate: )


P.S. : You'll see I moved source control to sourceforge again. This enables me to easily allow new commit rights when candidates show up.

Posted: 29.09.2011, 17:33
by ccezar
Does it mean it's the end of the Zeos project...?

Posted: 30.09.2011, 11:15
by MYSQL889
Hi ccezar,

Nothing is further from the truth!.

Notes the ongoing work that is done on Zeos today.

Posted: 04.10.2011, 14:30
by EgonHugeist
I'd make changes for Delphi12UP and worked on the MySQL Unicode-Proplems. Based on last SVN [s]940[/s] 943Testing Branches

Snapshots Update

Posted: 21.12.2011, 01:53
by qstudent
Hi friends,

Could you update the snapshots at:

to the latest trunk version (rev.962) of v7.0

I'd like to download the zipped version. ;)

Thanks a lot,