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Post by Zoran »

EgonHugeist wrote:Zoran,

i don't know why the project-manager did switch back to 2012 ): on testing & trunk

Because of this i currently didn't merge the fixes to \testing.

I've tested 2044 on Linux32Bit + FPC2.6.0.

Remaining is now a Linux FPC2.7.1. Must i really download Debian, like Michal proposes? Or is there a FPC2.7.1 + Lazarus available for Linux too? I didn't find a compiled package )):
Although I use fresh Lazarus from trunk (I have two svn versions of Lazarus installed actually - fixes branch and trunk), I haven't built fpc myself (and yes, I am afraid that is what you have to do for fpc 2.7), I have only fpc 2.6.0 installed.

Building the compiler is not a trivial task I'm afraid - see: http://www.stack.nl/~marcov/buildfaq.pdf
However, there might be an easier way to build fpc from trunk -- Take a look at fpcup utility by Big Chimp and LudoB. I haven't tested it myself, though.
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Post by EgonHugeist »


many thanks for the details. But i used Linux + CodeTyphoon3.0. Now i was able to verify the compilation issue by my selves with FPC2.7.1 and Linux. And Michal is right. The reason was a little bit off i think because the (i was starting from this premise) global define FPC_HAS_BUILTIN_WIDESTR_MANAGER isn't available for linux. Why i don't know but the functions i access are available.

Case closed Rev. 2047 /tesing-7.1 (SVN).

Another thing: This encoding stuff was a little bit complicated and a blind flight for me. But implementing 3 possible ways to get this running for FPC and only one way for Delphi was q question of buhhh ((:. Currently i see no reasons for touching the units again.
Best regards, Michael

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Post by miab3 »


Zeos7.1.0-alfa branches_ testing_R2047:
http://svn.code.sf.net/p/zeoslib/code-0 ... sting-7.1/
compiles and runs on (I have tested):

- D2006,
- D2007 -> C++,
- DXE2 32/64 -> C++(32),
- Lazarus Win 1.1/fpc 2.7.1 32/64,
- Lazarus Lin 1.1/fpc 2.7.1 64 on Debian 64-bit (LMDE 201204). :D

(Firebird 2.5.3, MySQL 5.5.18, MariaDB 5.5.28, Oracle 11g EE, PostgreSQL 9.2.1, MSSQL 2008 R2 Express).

Did you notice that in CodeTyphon they trying to crosscompile to jvm-java? :shock:

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Post by EgonHugeist »

Did you notice that in CodeTyphon they trying to crosscompile to jvm-java? Shocked
Nope, i didn't. But i was really surpriced what the hell they can do! A nice workout. But for the first i used it only to see whats going wrong and run my tests on Linux.

-> bussy with oracle. We need imbelievable many functions more to get the first approach with DataSet-Fields running )):
Best regards, Michael

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Post by EgonHugeist »


currently i must admit the Oracle stuff becames to complicated. Endless issues are to expect getting the NestedDataSets running. It's a little bit ad hock only read them. But getting a editable approach running is a endless workout. Imagine we need a Orcale-specific TDataSet descendant and a New ResutlSet-Type to support this. I don't wanna say i broke with this approach but yet i say priority low because that means a imbeleavable big workout with again unknown man rows.

Another thing accordingly the SQLite speed issue:
I think you mean open a table with a large list of rows, right?
I started several approaches to get another way running. But all of them fail because the Statment handles need a SQLite-Reset to unlock the Table which is needed to be able to edit the table with another TZQuery for example. I was able to open a table with 300000 rows in less than a second because i did load only the rows you currently can see with the DataSet. But then you're not able to execute any other update on this selected Table. Annoying, really. But that's a proplem of the SQLite protocol which works sequentially. So the reason why SQLite is slow is simlpe: We need to fetch all rows, release the Statment-handle to be sure another statement can edit something there. On the other hand you'll allways get the exception "Database is locked".
I'm sorry again. I do not see a generic way to change this behavior.
Best regards, Michael

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Post by miab3 »


Zeos7.1.0-alfa branches_ testing_R2070:
http://svn.code.sf.net/p/zeoslib/code-0 ... sting-7.1/
compiles and runs on (I have tested):

- D2006,
- D2007 -> C++,
- DXE2 32/64 -> C++(32),
- Lazarus Win 1.1/fpc 2.7.1 32/64,
- Lazarus Lin 1.1/fpc 2.7.1 64 on Debian 64-bit (LMDE 201204).

(Firebird 2.5.3, MySQL 5.5.18, MariaDB 5.5.28, Oracle 11g EE, PostgreSQL 9.2.1, MSSQL 2008 R2 Express).

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Post by miab3 »


Zeos7.1.0-alfa branches_ testing_R2077:
http://svn.code.sf.net/p/zeoslib/code-0 ... sting-7.1/
compiles and runs on (I have tested):

- D2006,
- D2007 -> C++,
- DXE2 32/64 -> C++(32),
- Lazarus Win 1.1/fpc 2.7.1 32/64,
- Lazarus Lin 1.1/fpc 2.7.1 64 on Debian 64-bit (LMDE 201204).

(Firebird 2.5.3, MySQL 5.5.18, MariaDB 5.5.28, Oracle 11g EE, PostgreSQL 9.2.1, MSSQL 2008 R2 Express).

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Zeos Test Team
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Post by miab3 »


Zeos7.1.0-alfa branches_ testing_R2087:
http://svn.code.sf.net/p/zeoslib/code-0 ... sting-7.1/
compiles and runs on (I have tested):

- D2006,
- D2007 -> C++,
- DXE2 32/64 -> C++(32),
- Lazarus Win 1.1/fpc 2.7.1 32/64,
- Lazarus Lin 1.1/fpc 2.7.1 64 on Debian 64-bit (LMDE 201204).

(Firebird 2.5.3, MySQL 5.5.18, MariaDB 5.5.28, Oracle 11g EE, PostgreSQL 9.2.1, MSSQL 2008 R2 Express).

Little remark.
In Delphi XE3 Architect - trial compilation stops here:

Code: Select all

unit ZPropertyEditor;
    {$IFDEF BDS4_UP}
line 356 -->    DataSource.DataSet.GetFieldNames(TWideStrings(List));
Happy New Year.

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Post by EgonHugeist »


thannks for that hint. I've fixed this issue on \testing R2088. In trunk and testing-7.1 available next days on going to stable state with 7.0.x.

Happy birthday and my best wishes, Michal!

Also a happy new year to all! Zeos7 Stable is comming!
Best regards, Michael

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