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Posted: 11.04.2012, 22:55
by ism
Problem in this


Posted: 11.04.2012, 23:15
by EgonHugeist
I did a quick search and found this:
It supports Object Pascal. You can download a Demo to test.

It generates complete UML Models..
Since Delphi2005 you can do this on designtime..

Actually i run my XE and FPC debugger parallel because the FPC crashes allways out and i cant find out where exactly.. )-:

Posted: 11.04.2012, 23:32
by EgonHugeist
Do you hae blob's in the tables?

Btw. i use PostgreSQL actual.

function TZRowAccessor.GetBlobObject(Buffer: PZRowBuffer;
ColumnIndex: Integer): IZBlob;
BlobPtr: PPointer;
NullPtr: PByte;
BlobPtr := PPointer(@Buffer.Columns[FColumnOffsets[ColumnIndex - 1] + 1]);
NullPtr := PByte(@Buffer.Columns[FColumnOffsets[ColumnIndex - 1]]);

if NullPtr^ = 0 then
Result := IZBlob(BlobPtr^) <- end dead!
Result := nil;

Now its late, going to bed. see you.

Posted: 11.04.2012, 23:49
by elidorio2
I downloaded the svn / trunk (1146)
This problem appeared again to compile.
C: \ lazarus \ components \ zeos \ zeos-trunk \ src \ component \ ZDatasetUtils.pas (1176.55) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got "TDateTime," expected "Int64".
Do not install on windows 64, where tested.

Posted: 12.04.2012, 00:01
by EgonHugeist
Don't use the trunk. This patch actuall (was out of time) is only aviable in \testing-egonhugeist.

Posted: 12.04.2012, 00:13
by elidorio2
donload aviable in \testing-egonhugeist.


C:\apps\svn\src\component\ZAbstractRODataset.pas(1819,34) Error: identifier idents no member "GetClientCodePageInformations"

Posted: 12.04.2012, 00:34
by EgonHugeist
Please don't mix units from different branches. Clean up your system and compile again..

Be carefull with the seach folders..

Posted: 12.04.2012, 01:05
by elidorio2
Really had some versions anterios Zeos, removed everything and installed again.
Installed normally only error that appears below, tested on two different computers and the error is.
At the time of the ZConnection vate the error appears below:

Posted: 12.04.2012, 13:31
by elidorio2
The detail of my environment is: windows 7 64, postgresql 9.1.3 and 09.30.4 Lazarus

Posted: 12.04.2012, 20:48
by EgonHugeist
I'm not ready with testing. And it could take some time..

But in your case i'm sure you use not the last testing-egonhugeist revision. Because now i can test it by my selves.

and this old acces violation only occours (before my patch) if you don't have the required dll's in your Windows\System32 directory.

Posted: 12.04.2012, 21:32
by elidorio2
Hello EgonHugeist,
What version you used in windows64 and it worked?
Under Windows 64 directory to put the dll is C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64.
I did the test with the revision in 1146 that ... gonhugeist

It would be interesting machine that would go through TeamViewer, suddenly would be easier for us to speak the same language.
I'll do the test again.

Posted: 12.04.2012, 21:45
by EgonHugeist
The Teamviewer first on weekend. Don't copy the files to the SysWOW64! Copy the files to System32. I don't know why but this works.

But i must admit i've select problems with blobfields...

Posted: 13.04.2012, 02:06
by elidorio2
Hello EgonHugeist
I did as you said and also failed.
Order a test, I created a path pointing to the bin folder Postgresql tried connecting with component SQLdb normal and it worked, it also utliza the dll.
I do not know what else to do ...

Posted: 14.04.2012, 13:57
by EgonHugeist
We make a TemViewer session (never done before) if i've got a stable Win64 + Pg64 state, ok?
Actually i've still Blob problems. Can't figure out whats going wrong on assigning the blob interfaces with Win64. I'll write a FPC core member to get help.. Maybe he knows an answer concerning the Blob behavior.


can you test if 64bit access is possible with FPC+Linux64+PostgreSQL64? It would be interisting to know if that works!

elidorio2, btw. you've allways to recompile Lazarus IDE with the new packages..

Posted: 14.04.2012, 17:16
by elidorio2
Hello EgonHugeist,
I have every installation of Lazarus, if what you asked.
I also have the latest version zeos on the machine and the tortoise, if you need to download again. For the last test I did with the error contained "AV" yet.
Still unable to use the win 64.
Yes we can do a session with TeamViewer. So what you want.