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Posted: 05.09.2012, 15:05
by olehs
I wonder why that not happens on TZTable...
Because UncachedGetTables returns database name in catalog, not in schema.

I fixed it in rev.1727

Posted: 05.09.2012, 15:15
by miab3

It's worse. Now I can not open any test procedure from AnyDAC.

D2006, r1726.


Posted: 05.09.2012, 15:28
by olehs

and what about MSSQL, does TZTable work in there?

Posted: 05.09.2012, 16:09
by miab3

ZTable1.TableName - '[master].[dbo].[authors]' - opens

ZStoredProc1.StoredProcName - '[master].[dbo].[ABTEST;1]' - error as attached previously
ZStoredProc1.StoredProcName - 'ABTEST;1' - ExecProc work (with the error but that's another issue)


Posted: 05.09.2012, 16:12
by olehs
Ok, now I see where the problem is. Inavlid identifier quoting.
Should be

Posted: 05.09.2012, 16:19
by miab3

For [master].[dbo].[ABTEST];1
ExecProc - List index out of bounds (1)


Posted: 05.09.2012, 16:19
by EgonHugeist
Because UncachedGetTables returns database name in catalog, not in schema.
Hmm this isn't logical for me. I wonder about because in mysql we have only a schema, right? And in MsSQL too. I propose to ask Mark befor changing this... It could have a reason, we don't know about.

Anyway this behavior actually isn't acceptable. If i assign the procedurename @runtime everything is fine..

Ok, now I see where the problem is. Inavlid identifier quoting.
And the same for MySQL. In my mind it should be:
`test`,`ABTEST`;..... right? So why do the quotes wissing here?

Posted: 05.09.2012, 16:38
by olehs
I propose to ask Mark befor changing this... It could have a reason, we don't know about.
A reason for what? UncachedGetTables returns database(schema) name in field Catalog for years. The new UncachedGetProcedures you've recently added returned it in Schema, so I made a patch that makes both methods return same data in same fields and it works OK.
And the same for MySQL. In my mind it should be:
`test`,`ABTEST`;..... right? So why do the quotes wissing here?
Quotting is applied using IZIdentifierConvertor, which is smart enough to add quotes only when they are really needed.

Eventually MSSQL's IZIdentifierConvertor is not smart enough to quote procedurename identifier correct.

Posted: 05.09.2012, 16:46
by olehs

Btw, what Protocol we are talking about?

Posted: 05.09.2012, 16:50
by miab3

Only such work (with errors) with MSSQL procedures.


Posted: 05.09.2012, 19:27
by olehs

This is strange, because I don't get errors when execute [dbo].[ABTEST];1


MSSQL returns names of procedures like ABTEST;1
where ;1 is not a part of procedure, but the index of overload.

When quoting is applied in PropertyEditor using IZIdentifierConvertor, the whole ProcedureName gets quoted [ABTEST;1] and it shouldn't. It has to be like [ABTEST];1.

But I think the problem is that TZStoredProcedure doesn't handle overloads.

Michael, do you think we can add overloads handling?

Posted: 05.09.2012, 19:35
by miab3

[dbo].[ABTEST];1 - working
[master].[dbo].[ABTEST];1 - not working



Posted: 05.09.2012, 19:39
by olehs

thank you very much for your feedback. This confirms that we have to add extra methods to Metadata.

Posted: 05.09.2012, 19:41
by olehs

do you know where that 'master' come from? Is it specified in your Catalog property?

I'm asking because I do my tests on SQLEXPRESS with SQLOLEDB provider, an I get [dbo].[ABTEST;1]

Posted: 05.09.2012, 20:06
by miab3

I removed the 'master' from Catalog and now gets:
