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Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Posted: 03.06.2015, 00:26
by miab3

I have the Windows 10-64 build 10074, PostgreSQL 9.3.0 and works in Delphi XE8 32/64.
I suspect that you have a mistake in the installation.


Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Posted: 03.06.2015, 02:02
by Hereibi
Friend ... @miab3...
All we talk ...
Delphi XE8;
postgresql-9.3.7-1-windows-x64; and
Windows 10 - Build 10074.

You have no idea what can be ???

Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Posted: 03.06.2015, 10:18
by miab3
@Hereibi, All,

I attached my packages for Delphi XE8 Win32/64 and modified
(my Zoes is placed in the directory "$(BDS)\libs").
Try with them.

Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Posted: 06.06.2015, 13:12
by miab3
@Hereibi, All,

For Delphi XE2 and above (multi-compiler), I applied properly in the:
- Library path: $(Platform)\$(Config) (for below: build or dcu)
- Browsing path: component core dbc parsesql plain


Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Posted: 06.06.2015, 16:10
by miab3
@EgonHugeist, @mdaems, All,

Hotfix: /branches/testing-7.2/src/core/ZVariant.pas [r3633] faulty!!!(CT 5.40 Win-32).


Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Posted: 07.06.2015, 14:15
by Hereibi
Miab3, All ...

I want to thank you the package you sent was of great help. The error was fixed. Thanks ..

I would like if possible, keep getting changes and corrections when made ... and I put myself at the disposal if I can help.

And forgive me my english, a translator google ... ok ...

Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Posted: 09.06.2015, 08:35
by markus
Hi All,

I've decided to try Zeos with new CBuilder XE8. I've used rev 3628 and that Michal posted for Delphi XE8.
At first i had some hassle with paths: C++ compiler and delphi compiler paths are now separate parameters.

After succesfull compilation of all packages and installation of components, when i tried to do some test app, i've got AV error when i tried to put TZQuery on a form.

After some time spend i've found that error is caused when
WITH_GENERIC_TLISTTFIELD directive is declared in in section DELPHI17_UP

after commentig this directive i was able to put components on form and run application.
This directive is used only in ZAbstractRODataset.pas

What can be wrong with that directive?

Best regards,

Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Posted: 09.06.2015, 10:27
by miab3
@markus, @EgonHugeist, @mdaems, All,

This change introduced for XE4 and needed confirmation:
Perhaps it is not needed.


Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Posted: 09.06.2015, 11:28
by markus

But apparently this directive works fine with Delphi.
Although Hereibi recent problem looks very similar...

Best regards,

Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Posted: 17.06.2015, 19:38
by Hereibi
Hello, miab3 the Libpq.dl can be generated new ... because today killed the libpq.dll and then copied the libpq.dlll the ZeosLib repository (ZeosLib \ lib \ postgresql), and ready again .. error .. . I stopped working all over again ... as he had a copy compared with that there were and are different. So I took this my copy and it worked.

Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Posted: 17.06.2015, 20:35
by miab3
@markus, All

This means that for CBuilder in need to comment:

Code: Select all

{.$DEFINE WITH_GENERIC_TLISTTFIELD} //GetFieldList() uses the generic TList<TField>
1. Probably related: ... workaround

2. I think XE8 Update 1 fix it:

@Hereibi, All

Should use client libraries appropriate for the server version, not the old dll libraries from the repository Zeos.
(They are put there as an example).


Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Posted: 17.06.2015, 20:40
by miab3
@EgonHugeist, @mdaems, All

Zeos7.2-beta branches_ testing_Revision 3636: ... sting-7.2/
and my packages and for Delphi XE8,

compiles and runs on (I have tested):

- D2007 -> C++ (Windows 8.1-64),
- DXE2 32/64 -> C++(32) (Windows 7-64),
- DXE8 32/64 (Windows 10-64 build 10130),
- Lazarus 1.4-32 (Windows 7-32),
- Lazarus 1.4-64 (Windows 8.1-64)
- Lazarus 1.4-64 (Debian 8-64),
- Lazarus 1.4-64 (Fedora 22-64),
- CodeTyphon ver 5.40(r5321) 32/64(fpc 3.1.1) (Windows 7-64).
(Lazarus for Linux tested with SQLite and client: Firebird, MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MSSQL(FreeTDS)).

Passes Test-Benchmark mORMot 15 - External DB performance(mod) ver 1.18.1492 2015-06-17 13:28:57: ... b0b9816408
Delphi XE2-32 localhost and remote.

Test databases and 32/64-bits clients:
SQLite 3.8.7, Firebird 2.5.4, Firebird 3.0 Beta r31557 MySQL 5.5.40, MariaDB 5.5.40, MariaDB 10.1.1 Alpha,
PostgreSQL 9.3.0, Oracle XE 11.2g, MSSQL 2008 R2 Express(mssql, FreeTDS, ado-sqlncli), *.mdb-ado-Jet.OLEDB.4.0.


Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Posted: 05.07.2015, 11:53
by miab3
and Firebird 3.0 RC1 (r31920).


Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Posted: 10.08.2015, 22:07
by miab3
@EgonHugeist, @mdaems, All

Zeos7.2-beta branches_ testing_Revision 3638: ... sting-7.2/
and my packages and for Delphi XE8,

compiles and runs on (I have tested):

- D2007 -> C++ (Windows 8.1-64),
- DXE2 32/64 -> C++(32) (Windows 7-64),
- DXE8 32/64 (Windows 10-64 build 10240),
- Lazarus 1.4.2-32 (Windows 7-32),
- Lazarus 1.4-64 (Windows 8.1-64)
- Lazarus 1.4-64 (Debian 8-64),
- Lazarus 1.4.2-64 (Fedora 22-64),
- CodeTyphon ver 5.40(r5415) 32/64(fpc 3.1.1) (Windows 7-64).
(Lazarus for Linux tested with SQLite and client: Firebird, MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MSSQL(FreeTDS)).

Passes Test-Benchmark mORMot 15 - External DB performance(mod) ver 1.18.1757 2015-08-09 19:44:20: ... be053bbe2d
Delphi XE2-32 localhost and remote.

Test databases and 32/64-bits clients:
SQLite 3.8.7, Firebird 2.5.4, Firebird 3.0 Beta r31920 MySQL 5.5.40, MariaDB 5.5.40, MariaDB 10.1.1 Alpha,
PostgreSQL 9.3.0, Oracle XE 11.2g, MSSQL 2008 R2 Express(mssql, FreeTDS, ado-sqlncli), *.mdb-ado-Jet.OLEDB.4.0.


Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Posted: 01.09.2015, 11:54
by miab3
@EgonHugeist, @mdaems, All

ZEOS 7.2 for Delphi 10 Seattle needs to add in

Code: Select all

// Compilation directives for Delphi 10 Seattle by miab3
  {$DEFINE VER200BELOW} // Used in code
  {$DEFINE DELPHI12_UP} // Used in code
  {$DEFINE DELPHI14_UP} // used in tests only
  {$DEFINE DELPHI15_UP} // Used in only
  {$DEFINE DELPHI16_UP} // Used in only
  {$DEFINE DELPHI17_UP} // Used in only
  {$DEFINE DELPHI18_UP} // Used in only
  {$DEFINE DELPHI19_UP} // Used in only
  {$DEFINE DELPHI20_UP} //By dieletro Used in only
  {$DEFINE DELPHI21_UP} //Used in only
  {$DEFINE DELPHI22_UP} //By miab3 Used in only
  {$DEFINE DELPHI23_UP} //By miab3 Used in only
  {$DEFINE BDS4_UP} // Used in code
  {$DEFINE BDS5_UP} // Used in code
The whole corrected ZEOS inc attached: