ZEOSDBO-6.6.0-beta BDS2006 install problem

Forum related to version 6.5.1 (alpha) and 6.6.x (beta) of ZeosLib's DBOs

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Post by larand54 »

I have D7 and failed installing ZEOS6.6.
Well it installed without any special notice but nothing is shown in the palette.
If I open the Component-InstallPackages dialog I can find the "Zeos Database coponents" but without any component.

I also checked for the unit ZComponentreg, but there where no reference to it in the wole Zeos zip-file.

I thought it should be but it may be hardcoded or....?
Paulo Henrique
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Mine solution

Post by Paulo Henrique »


I had the same problem, with no previous Zeos on my computer, i received the message completing the instalation but no component at all.

To solve i removed Zeos, then edited ZComponentDesign.dpk adding the following lines at the end.

ZPropertyEditor in '..\..\src\component\ZPropertyEditor.pas',
ZUpdateSqlEditor in '..\..\src\component\ZUpdateSqlEditor.pas' {ZUpdateSQLEditForm},
ZComponentReg in '..\..\src\component\ZComponentReg.pas';


Rebuild, install again ZComponentDesign and voilá, everything ok :)

My 2¢
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Post by mdaems »

Think about the reason this lines were not in ZComponentDesign.dpk. These lines are present in the packages we released. I think your ide has stripped them for one reason or another.

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Post by jorgen »

I tried all the suggestions mentioned above, without the result - I still don't see any components, although ZComponentDesign (6.6) is installed.
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Post by dmgamer »

I'm trying install zeos 6.6.0 beta in BDS 2006 (new instalation, not updating)

My steps:

1 - Add Zeos package\build into library path (in my case $(BDS)\ZeosLib\package\build)

2 - Open ZeosDBO.bdsgroup on IDE and BDS2006 automaticaly recreate the resources files

3 - Compilling in order:
ZCore100.bpl [OK]

ZParseSql100.bpl [OK]

ZPlain100.bpl [OK] but show this hints

[Pascal Hint] ZPlainPostgreSqlDriver.pas(994): H2077 Value assigned to 'dest' never used
[Pascal Hint] ZPlainPostgreSqlDriver.pas(990): H2164 Variable 'von' is declared but never used in 'TZPostgreSQL8PlainDriver.DecodeBYTEA'
[Pascal Hint] ZPlainPostgreSqlDriver.pas(990): H2164 Variable 'nach' is declared but never used in 'TZPostgreSQL8PlainDriver.DecodeBYTEA'
[Pascal Hint] ZPlainPostgreSqlDriver.pas(399): H2219 Private symbol 'PQFreeMem' declared but never used

ZDbc100.bpl [OK] but shows this warning

[Pascal Warning] ZDbcConnection.pas(735): W1035 Return value of function 'TZAbstractConnection.PingServer' might be undefined
[Pascal Warning] ZDbcASAResultSet.pas(785): W1044 Suspicious typecast of WideString to PAnsiChar

ZComponent100.bpl [OK] but show this warning

[Pascal Warning] ZAbstractRODataset.pas(326): W1000 Symbol 'PSGetTableName' is deprecated
[Pascal Warning] ZAbstractRODataset.pas(327): W1000 Symbol 'PSGetQuoteChar' is deprecated
[Pascal Warning] ZAbstractRODataset.pas(336): W1000 Symbol 'PSGetKeyFields' is deprecated
[Pascal Warning] ZAbstractRODataset.pas(2890): W1000 Symbol 'PSGetKeyFields' is deprecated

4 - Right-click on ZComponentDesign100.bpl and choose "install", show this message in dialog:

Remove ZPropertyEditor, ZUpdateSqlEditor, ZComponentReg.
Unit(s) ZPropertyEditor, ZUpdateSqlEditor, ZComponentReg were found in required package ZComponent.

When click in OK buttom show this

Package C:\Documents and Settings\Dante\Meus documentos\Borland Studio Projects\bpl\ZComponentDesign100.bpl has been installed.

But no components installed in IDE...

that's wrong?
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Post by chris_had »


I posted on the previous page (page 2) of this thread on how to get round the problem in delphi 2006...

Here is it again, in summary:

In order to successfully install the 6.6 beta package into D2006, I did the following...

1) Unziped a fresh copy of 6.6 beta.
2) Deleted the contents of the "\Packages\Delphi10\Build" directory.
3) Opened the "zeosdbo.bdsgroup" package.
4) Selected the "ZComponentDesign100.bpl" package, under the "requires"
section, remove the package "ZComponent".
5) Right-click select "Build all from here"
This gave me 19 warnings, but no errors.
6) Finally install the ZComponentDesign100.bpl package.

This should now give you the Zeos components for winforms.

the important thing here to note is step 4. If you do not remove this link, then you will get the warning about removing the modules, and thus you will not actually register any components when you install the package.

kind regards,
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Post by mdaems »

Hi Chris, would it solve the problem if we changed the requires in ZComponentDesign.dpk to

Code: Select all

Can you please test this? I'll change it in next release after your confirmation.

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Post by chris_had »

Hi Mark,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you...

I am unable to test your mod at this moment in time, but I have made your change to my .dpk ready for when I get the chance to test it (should be within a day or two all being well).

I'll post back as soon as I can confirm that this is resolved.

All the best,
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Post by john_mvf »

Im trying a new installation, i did it how you said,

i added the path,
compile all the z.... in correct order how you explain
install the zcomponentdesign....

but i got this error.

"This Application has failed to start because ZDbc100.bpl was not found. Re-installing the application may fi this problem."

and when i click another error

"Cant Load Packages C:\.....\My Docum..\Borland.....\bpl\ZComponetdesign100.bpl. The Specified module could not be found."

please, some help
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Post by john_mvf »

hellooo, I have fixed the problem, and i make my own instalation instruction for if i have to install the Zeos and i dont remeber, but if someone needed i could write the instruction here.

one more thing, why delphi was asking me about this DLLs,
comerr32.dll, libeay32.dll, libintl-2.dll, libiconv-2.dll, krb5_32.dll and ssleay32.dll.

I put these DLLs inside the system32, and zeos is working.

Excuse my bad english
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Post by ilboss »

Hi to all, I'm new of BDS2006 and I wanna installa zeosib on it.
I read carfully all post and I have this error:
Remove ZPropertyEditor, ZUpdateSqlEditor, ZComponentReg.
Unit(s) ZPropertyEditor, ZUpdateSqlEditor, ZComponentReg were found in required package ZComponent.

This problem may be caused because I have installed Zeoslib 6.1.5 on my d6?
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Post by mdaems »

Yeah... that's the problem. (Almost sure) Somehow you should avoid D2006 uses the old bpls. Maybe try changing the 6.1.5 (bpl, source, dcu) directory names while installing? Change back afterwards and check if both configurations still work. New 6.6 version should be installable next to each other. (because we use a package dependend suffix now.

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Post by ilboss »

but... I installed it in 2 different direcory...
In which way this may cause some "noise" during the installation?
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Post by mdaems »

Delphi searches for existing units using a certain path. Don't know exactly how. When the old version comes in before the new one... If I'm not wrong also the system path may come in.

Somebody else who can explain exact delphi behaviour?

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