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Re: 7.2-alpa testers-thread

Posted: 27.08.2013, 06:30
by mdaems
is this behavior different compared to 7.0?
Do you know where the extra time is consumed? At opening time or during the reading of the data? If it's at opening, chances are that the issue is with the way the data are cached by the MySQL lib. In the other case we might have a problem asking more records from the server when fetching. This nonlinear behavior isn't something I would expect to be inside zeoslib as the other drivers should essentially use the same code for memory handling, data conversion,...
did you already include a testing program? (sorry, didn't reread all your posts right now)
To avoid we forget this kind of messages, please post them at the bug tracker. a forum is a volatile medium. Essentially for reading a message only once. Rereading is more difficult.
So if we read here that there's a compilation error, right. That's something Michael probably fixes in no time when he reads it. The issue you mention now probably takes a lot of effort in tracing.


Re: 7.2-alpa testers-thread

Posted: 27.08.2013, 12:38
by miab3
@EgonHugeist, @mdaems,

Zeos7.2-alpha branches_ testing_R2685: ... sting-7.2/
compiles and runs on (I have tested):

- DXE2 32/64 -> C++(32) - Windows8-64

With the slowdown in MySQL / MariaDB is explained.
Client library libmariadb.dll give this effect.


Re: 7.2-alpa testers-thread

Posted: 27.08.2013, 12:41
by mdaems
That's good news. Thanks for checking. Did you log a bug report with the mariadb people? I suppose they also like to know this.


Re: 7.2-alpa testers-thread

Posted: 29.08.2013, 21:05
by Goaul
7.2 rev 2684 +Delphi XE4 32bit on w7 64bit compile gives:

Code: Select all

[dcc32 Error] ZSysUtils.pas(2861): E2251 Ambiguous overloaded call to 'StrLen'
  System.SysUtils.pas(10381): Related method: function StrLen(const PAnsiChar): Cardinal;
  System.AnsiStrings.pas(3166): Related method: function StrLen(const PAnsiChar): Cardinal;
[dcc32 Error] ZSysUtils.pas(2880): E2251 Ambiguous overloaded call to 'StrLen'
  System.SysUtils.pas(10381): Related method: function StrLen(const PAnsiChar): Cardinal;
  System.AnsiStrings.pas(3166): Related method: function StrLen(const PAnsiChar): Cardinal;
[dcc32 Error] ZSysUtils.pas(2919): E2251 Ambiguous overloaded call to 'StrLen'
  System.SysUtils.pas(10381): Related method: function StrLen(const PAnsiChar): Cardinal;
  System.AnsiStrings.pas(3166): Related method: function StrLen(const PAnsiChar): Cardinal;
[dcc32 Error] ZSysUtils.pas(5110): E2251 Ambiguous overloaded call to 'FloatToText'
  System.SysUtils.pas(13928): Related method: function FloatToText(PAnsiChar; const; TFloatValue; TFloatFormat; Integer; Integer): Integer;
  System.AnsiStrings.pas(4493): Related method: function FloatToText(PAnsiChar; const; TFloatValue; TFloatFormat; Integer; Integer): Integer;
[dcc32 Error] ZSysUtils.pas(5110): E2010 Incompatible types: 'PWideChar' and 'PAnsiChar'
[dcc32 Fatal Error] ZEncoding.pas(888): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'ZSysUtils.pas'
7.1 rev 2697 +Delphi XE4 32bit on w7 64bit Compiles fine

Re: 7.2-alpa testers-thread

Posted: 29.08.2013, 21:54
by EgonHugeist
Thanks Gaoul, hope i got this solved: R2699

Re: 7.2-alfa testers-thread

Posted: 29.08.2013, 22:22
by Goaul
R2699 32bit

Code: Select all

[dcc32 Error] ZDbcCache.pas(553): E2251 Ambiguous overloaded call to 'StrPLCopy'
  System.SysUtils.pas(10732): Related method: function StrPLCopy(PAnsiChar; const AnsiString; Cardinal): PAnsiChar;
  System.AnsiStrings.pas(3382): Related method: function StrPLCopy(PAnsiChar; const AnsiString; Cardinal): PAnsiChar;
[dcc32 Error] ZDbcCache.pas(2858): E2251 Ambiguous overloaded call to 'AnsiStrComp'
  System.SysUtils.pas(6574): Related method: function AnsiStrComp(PAnsiChar; PAnsiChar): Integer;
  System.AnsiStrings.pas(2941): Related method: function AnsiStrComp(PAnsiChar; PAnsiChar): Integer;
[dcc32 Fatal Error] ZDbcCachedResultSet.pas(534): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'ZDbcCache.pas'

Re: 7.2-alfa testers-thread

Posted: 03.09.2013, 22:54
by miab3
@EgonHugeist, @mdaems,

Zeos7.2-alpha branches_ testing_R2714: ... sting-7.2/
compiles and runs on (I have tested):

- DXE2 32/64 -> C++(32) - Windows8-64


Re: 7.2-alfa testers-thread

Posted: 07.09.2013, 11:06
by miab3
@EgonHugeist, @mdaems,

Zeos7.2-alpha branches_ testing_R2716: ... sting-7.2/
compiles and runs on (I have tested):

- DXE2 32/64 -> C++(32) - Windows8-64


Re: 7.2-alfa testers-thread

Posted: 09.09.2013, 09:31
by miab3
@EgonHugeist, @mdaems,

Could you take a look to the threads:

ExecSQL Access violation with multi-threaded process ... =17&t=3923

TZConnection is always in transaction state ... =36&t=3801
SQLite foreign_keys issue ... =36&t=3803

Perhaps the latter is somehow related to the disgraceful speed of up SQLite.


Re: 7.2-alfa testers-thread

Posted: 11.09.2013, 18:55
by miab3

Applies Zeos7.2-alpha branches_ testing_R2726.
Using SSE3 eliminate from the use of P4 and older AMD Athlon ... rocessors/
I would have stopped on the SSE2:


Re: 7.2-alfa testers-thread

Posted: 12.09.2013, 13:42
by miab3
@EgonHugeist, @mdaems,

Zeos7.2-alpha branches_ testing_R2729: ... sting-7.2/
compiles and runs on (I have tested):

- DXE2 32/64 -> C++(32) - Windows8-64 - C2D


Re: 7.2-alfa testers-thread

Posted: 16.09.2013, 23:50
by miab3
@EgonHugeist, @mdaems,

Zeos7.2-alpha branches_ testing_R2736: ... sting-7.2/
compiles and runs on (I have tested):

- DXE2 32/64 -> C++(32) - Windows8.1-64 - C2D


Re: 7.2-alfa testers-thread

Posted: 19.09.2013, 11:04
by miab3
@EgonHugeist, @mdaems,

Zeos7.2-alpha branches_ testing_R2741: ... sting-7.2/
compiles and runs on (I have tested):

- DXE2 32/64 -> C++(32) - Windows8.1-64 - C2D


Re: 7.2-alfa testers-thread

Posted: 26.09.2013, 12:20
by miab3
@EgonHugeist, @mdaems,

Zeos7.2-alpha branches_ testing_R2751: ... sting-7.2/
compiles and runs on (I have tested):

- DXE2 32/64 -> C++(32) - Windows8.1-64 - C2D


Re: 7.2-alfa testers-thread

Posted: 27.09.2013, 23:47
by miab3
@EgonHugeist, @mdaems,

Zeos7.2-alpha branches_ testing_R2759: ... sting-7.2/
compiles and runs on (I have tested):

- Delphi XE2 32/64 -> C++(32)
Windows8.1-64 - C2D
