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Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Posted: 07.05.2020, 23:39
by marsupilami
aehimself wrote: 07.05.2020, 20:09 I guess if you delete it from GitHub only and try to push, it will either fail or recreate the remote branch; not sure. The real question is how branches are created when exporting via svn-all-fast-export...? Even if you delete your local branch, it might recreate it again just to return to the original state.
Anyhow; I don't mind my name being present on the unofficial repository ^^
Just to make sure what we are talking about. The current process looks like this:
  • sync a local copy of the Zeos SVN repo by using svnsync
  • use svn-all-fast-export to copy new changes from the local svn repo to a git repo
  • push any changes from the local git repo to the github repo using "git push github --all"
My hope would be that deleting the branch from the github repo would have no negative effect because the aehimself branch in the local repo should see no more changes and so git should not see any reason to try to push anything from the aehimself branch to github ever again. Does that make sense?

Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Posted: 08.05.2020, 21:20
by aehimself
Honestly, the worst thing that can happen imo is that something goes horribly wrong and the GitHub repository has to be recreated. Since I'm the only one who forked it until now - this will not have a huge impact. I'll just re-fork and re-push my own changes. Alas, following this thought the branch can also stay.

What I'd do is to delete the local branch, and start the sync (and fast export). Then check if the -aehimself branch was recreated or not. If not, just delete the branch on GitHub (git push --all means you are pushing all local branches. If there's no local -aehimself branch, it will not even be attempted to be pushed). If yes - then some help digging and googling on which step and how it is creating the branches.

Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Posted: 12.05.2020, 10:04
by tkamphuis
Hello Jan,

I encouter a strange problem. When I compile already existing applcations I get an error when I try to open a report. I did some tests and when I drop the old query component and use a new one from zeos 7.3 then everything works. Do I have to change all query components when I use 7.3 with lazreports?
When I use zeos 3.7 build 5939 I don't have problems.

I use Windows 64 bits (1909 - 18363.778)
Lazaus 64 bits 2.08 R62944
fpc 3.,04
zeos 7.3 build 6513
SQLite version x64 3310100

Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Posted: 12.05.2020, 10:20
by marsupilami
Hello Theo,

we had another user reporting a similar problem: viewtopic.php?f=50&t=118328
tkamphuis wrote: 12.05.2020, 10:04 [...] when I drop the old query component and use a new one from zeos 7.3 then everything works[...]
Do you use persistent fields, i.e. field components that are inserted in the form using the fields editor?
Normally you don't have to replace the query components. I can only assume that somehow some settings change or the field types change.

Best regards,


Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Posted: 12.05.2020, 10:38
by miab3
@EgonHugeist, @Jan, @Fr0sT, @mdaems, All

ZEOS 7.3.x svn 6514: ... sting-7.3/


- Lazarus 2.0.0(fpc 3.3.1) - Raspbian32 Buster for Raspberry Pi,
- Lazarus 2.0.8(fpc 3.0.4)-Win32,
- Lazarus 2.0.8(fpc 3.0.4)-Win64,
- Delphi 7,
- RAD Studio 2007-Win32,
- RAD Studio XE2 -Win32/Win64/C++32 with small hpp fixes,
- Delphi 10 Seattle-Win32/Win64,
- Delphi 10.3.3 Rio-Win32/Win64/Android/Android64.

my mORMot PerfTest r5960 passes(Delphi 10.3.3 Rio Win32/Win64)


Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Posted: 12.05.2020, 14:03
by tkamphuis
Hello Jan,

Yes the problem is with the persitant fields, but I need that for reference to from other queries. In the past that was not a problem. The field types are not changed.

Kind regards


Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Posted: 12.05.2020, 14:43
by tkamphuis
The problem with the persistent fields only arises in combination with lazreport. In queries not used for a report there is no problem.

Kind regards,


Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Posted: 13.05.2020, 10:29
by vbazovic
When cross compiling from GNU/Linux system (Debian and it's derivate) to Windows 64 there are some "caps" filename problems.

In files ./dbc/ZDbcAdoMetadata.pas:67, ./dbc/ZDbcAdo.pas:131, ./dbc/ZDbcOleDBStatement.pas:244, ./dbc/ZDbcOleDBMetaData.pas:52, ./dbc/ZDbcOleDB.pas:153 in uses there is ZDbcOleDBMetadata but file is called ./dbc/ZDbcOleDBMetaData.pas, it probably should be renamed to ./dbc/ZDbcOleDBMetadata.pas (with lowercase d).

In file ./dbc/ZDbcAdo.pas:131 there is a uses clause unit ZDbcAdoMetaData and it should be ZDbcAdoMetadata.

After this changes compiling is succesfull. FP IDE is CodeTyphon 7.10 but because it's a OS problem this problem is probably same with Lazarus.

Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Posted: 13.05.2020, 13:54
by marsupilami
Hello vbazovic,
vbazovic wrote: 13.05.2020, 10:29 ./dbc/ZDbcOleDB.pas:153 in uses there is ZDbcOleDBMetadata but file is called ./dbc/ZDbcOleDBMetaData.pas, it probably should be renamed to ./dbc/ZDbcOleDBMetadata.pas (with lowercase d).

In file ./dbc/ZDbcAdo.pas:131 there is a uses clause unit ZDbcAdoMetaData and it should be ZDbcAdoMetadata.
Your suggestions have been applied in Revision 6520. Best regards,


Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Posted: 13.05.2020, 13:57
by marsupilami
Hello Theo,
tkamphuis wrote: 12.05.2020, 14:03 Yes the problem is with the persitant fields, but I need that for reference to from other queries. In the past that was not a problem. The field types are not changed.
coud you send me the lfm-file of your form before and after the change - meaning the not working form file and the working form file? Also the declaration part of the pas file is needed to see what field types are generated by Zeos.

Best regards,


Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Posted: 13.05.2020, 16:27
by tkamphuis
Hello Jan,

Here are the demos.

Best Regards,


Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Posted: 13.05.2020, 18:24
by miab3
@Theo, Jan, Michael

Zeos 7.3 r6514

I checked "demo" and in Lazarus 2.0.8-Win64 entries about persistent fields are not saved to the unit .pas file.
In .lmf they are.
And in uses are missing entries: ZAbstractTable, ZAbstractRODataset, ZAbstractDataset, ZAbstractConnection;
The same happens in a newly created application.

Everything is fine in Delphi 10.3.3-Win32.
They are in .pas and in .dfm.


Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Posted: 15.05.2020, 08:12
by miab3
Zeos 7.3 r 6529
There is still no generation (entries to the unit) with persistent fields for Lazarus 2.0.8-Win64.


Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Posted: 15.05.2020, 12:31
by miab3
It seems that after patch r6532 persistent fields works in Lazarus too. !!!


Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Posted: 15.05.2020, 17:37
by miab3

ZEOS 7.3.x svn 6534: ... sting-7.3/


- Lazarus 2.0.0(fpc 3.3.1) - Raspbian32 Buster for Raspberry Pi,
- Lazarus 2.0.8(fpc 3.0.4)-Win32,
- Lazarus 2.0.8(fpc 3.0.4)-Win64,
- Delphi 7,
- RAD Studio 2007-Win32,
- RAD Studio XE2 -Win32/Win64/C++32 with small hpp fixes,
- Delphi 10 Seattle-Win32/Win64,
- Delphi 10.3.3 Rio-Win32/Win64/Android/Android64.

my mORMot PerfTest r5960 passes(Delphi 10.3.3 Rio Win32/Win64)

Persistent fields works in Delphi and Lazarus.
