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Posted: 18.06.2013, 12:21
by EgonHugeist
It's because sqlite is not suitable for multiconnections afaik.
don't know for sure, but i guess you're right.
It had to do with finalizing the connection.
Finalize the StmtHandle should be sufficent, i think. Still wondering about your issue..

Posted: 19.06.2013, 18:38
by aducom
You are right, and the cause is mine. The errormessage was putting me on the wrong leg. The problem is that my select statement contained a small error in a fieldname. So I would expect a sql syntax error, but i did not get that. So the problem is that it is generating a wrong errormessage. I managed to walk through the code and found a parse error.

Posted: 22.06.2013, 18:16
by EgonHugeist
So the problem is that it is generating a wrong errormessage.
Hmm AFAIK SQLite is weak accordingly errorhandling and syntax checks. May i ask if Zeos processes the Exception wrong?

We currently process not all of them:

Code: Select all

  { Return values for sqlite_exec() and sqlite_step() }
  SQLITE_OK           = 0;   // Successful result
  SQLITE_ERROR        = 1;   // SQL error or missing database
  SQLITE_INTERNAL     = 2;   // An internal logic error in SQLite
  SQLITE_PERM         = 3;   // Access permission denied
  SQLITE_ABORT        = 4;   // Callback routine requested an abort
  SQLITE_BUSY         = 5;   // The database file is locked
  SQLITE_LOCKED       = 6;   // A table in the database is locked
  SQLITE_NOMEM        = 7;   // A malloc() failed
  SQLITE_READONLY     = 8;   // Attempt to write a readonly database
  _SQLITE_INTERRUPT    = 9;   // Operation terminated by sqlite_interrupt()
  SQLITE_IOERR        = 10;  // Some kind of disk I/O error occurred
  SQLITE_CORRUPT      = 11;  // The database disk image is malformed
  SQLITE_NOTFOUND     = 12;  // (Internal Only) Table or record not found
  SQLITE_FULL         = 13;  // Insertion failed because database is full
  SQLITE_CANTOPEN     = 14;  // Unable to open the database file
  SQLITE_PROTOCOL     = 15;  // Database lock protocol error
  SQLITE_EMPTY        = 16;  // (Internal Only) Database table is empty
  SQLITE_SCHEMA       = 17;  // The database schema changed
  SQLITE_TOOBIG       = 18;  // Too much data for one row of a table
  SQLITE_CONSTRAINT   = 19;  // Abort due to contraint violation
  SQLITE_MISMATCH     = 20;  // Data type mismatch
  SQLITE_MISUSE       = 21;  // Library used incorrectly
  SQLITE_NOLFS        = 22;  // Uses OS features not supported on host
  SQLITE_AUTH         = 23;  // Authorization denied
  SQLITE_FORMAT       = 24;  // Auxiliary database format error
  SQLITE_RANGE        = 25;  // 2nd parameter to sqlite_bind out of range
  SQLITE_NOTADB       = 26;  // File opened that is not a database file
  SQLITE_ROW          = 100;  // sqlite_step() has another row ready
  SQLITE_DONE         = 101;  // sqlite_step() has finished executing
Do we miss something? Or is it a SQLite leak again?

Posted: 28.06.2013, 19:47
by aducom
I will try to find out. My own components for delphi generates the correct errormessage. The current errormessage was putting me on the wrong leg. But it's because I know a bit about the sqlite dll stuf. It could be that the errormessage is correctly generated, but then overriden somehow. I stepped through the code, but it simply takes a lot of time and haven't been able to figure it out yet. But as everybody, I don't have much time.

Posted: 30.06.2013, 17:13
by EgonHugeist
I don't have much time.
me tee. So i hope you can patch this issue..