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Posted: 11.12.2005, 20:52
by swierzbicki
I also had this issue ! Really strange specialy when there is no path pointing to the D7 BPL folder !

To solve this problem just rename your Delphi package (IMO, this should be done for all Delphi packages).

Exemple : ZCore.BPL => ZCoreD10.Bpl and so on....
Recompile then everything and enjoy Zeos under D2006

Posted: 12.12.2005, 05:57
by CG2003
Hey, sounds great!

I'll try it and post my experiences here...

Posted: 12.12.2005, 14:42
by tygrys
The problem is not a path pointing to D7\BPL, but older versions of Zeos someware in the path (ie. WINDOWS\SYSTEM). :-)

Better then renaming the package add in each dpk

Code: Select all

{$LIBSUFFIX '100'}
This will not change naming of all project/dependencies, but will make bpl's with a suffix 100, like all other bpl's in D2006

It works for me.

BTW, Michael, how about adding this to the release of ZEOS?


Posted: 12.12.2005, 18:58
by CG2003
Yes thank you very much.
It works perfect!

@Michael: I hope this will be added in future release of ZEOS?

Posted: 13.12.2005, 10:23
by swierzbicki
Well, I learn something today !

Code: Select all

{$LIBSUFFIX '100'}


Delphi 2006

Posted: 13.12.2005, 14:08
by pgawli
I can compile all packages but i receive error message "Invalid pointer operation" when i try select protocol.

Any ideas ??

Regards. Piotr

Posted: 13.12.2005, 14:31
by tygrys
Be sure to:
1) not have older ZEOS in the path
2) have proper libraries for your database in the path
3) remove older Zeos (previous compilation) before instaling new one.
4) always build, not compile the ZEOS. After that - install


Posted: 13.12.2005, 16:26
by Michael
Hi guys!
CG2003 wrote:@Michael: I hope this will be added in future release of ZEOS?
When I receive my D2006 I will immediately take care about that as I mentioned before. Btw: Slowly integrating MySQL 5.0-support :mrgreen: ...

:thanks: for all the postings here in this thread! This will fasten up D2006 integration. I knew: ZeosLib users are the best! :up:


Posted: 14.12.2005, 01:38
by tygrys
This libsuffix can be added from Delphi 6 up, I'm not sure 'bout D5
For Delphi 2005 the value is

Code: Select all

{$LIBSUFFIX '90'} 
for D6 it is 60 and for D7 it is 70 :-)
This is the nice way to have different libraries in the path without a conflict. Specially where all stuff sits in the windows\system32. Works for all libraries, not ZEOS only :-)

In my instalation the Zeos bpl's have been put into ....\build directory in the Zeos structure. You have to remember to copy them to a directory in the path, and don't forget to move them there after rebuilding Zeos. Because you install only ZComponent, other libraries are taken from where they have been and they can be the older version, not the current one (which is beeing produced in the .....\build directory).


Posted: 17.12.2005, 00:22
by olifile

I'm not understand!! I have my BDS 2006, but Zeoslib 6.5.1 (alpha) that's not working!! It's possivel some people sent to me the package correct. Include Upgrade... soon to install component.

Tanks and Happy Christmas!!! :up:


Posted: 02.01.2006, 19:49
by killerjohn
Hi all !

I have the same problem...

1) DBCommonTypes added (ZConnection.pas)
2) ftFixedWideChar, ftWideMemo, ftOraTimeStamp, ftOraInterval added (TZAbstractRODataset.CheckFieldCompatibility)

but: invalid pointer operation is still a problem :(

Posted: 10.01.2006, 13:19
by tygrys

How about using the same solution to the same problem?

Removee your old zeos packages from the path.
